Conservation - Reducing Water Usage

Featured Articles
November 25, 2022 These maps at the watershed scales have been made to not only ensure inclusion of different freshwater ecosystems, their connectivity and hydrological processes, but can also provide a spatial context for conservation decisions.
A stream at Anini, Arunachal Pradesh (Image Source: Roshni Arora)
September 21, 2022 The unique design and functioning of the Chakla bavdi in Chanderi Madhya Pradesh is another example of the water wisdom of our ancestors, which needs to be conserved and passed on to the future generations.
Chakla Bavdi at Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh (Image Source: Shirole, S. 2022. Architectural eloquence: Water harvesting structure in Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh (India). Ancient Asia, 13: 9, pp. 1–13)
June 21, 2022 While springs in Kashmir have still retained their good quality and have a great potential to be used for drinking water, threats to them are growing. Their protection and sustainable management is crucial.
Verinag spring in Anantanag district of Kashmir (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
January 13, 2022 State of the world’s land and water resources for food and agriculture: The synthesis report 2021
Sustainable agricultural practices lead to water saving, soil conservation, sustainable land management, conservation of natural resources, ecosystem and climate change benefits. (Image: Maheshwara, Pixahive)
November 9, 2021 Building resilient agricultural system through groundwater management interventions in degraded landscapes of Bundelkhand region
Charkhari talab in Bundelkhand (Image: IWP Flickr)
September 1, 2021 Best practices for holistic urban water management in Chennai Metropolitan Area
These bright plastic jugs are ubiquitous in Chennai and Tamil Nadu. (Image: McKay Savage, Flickr Commons; CC BY 2.0)
Applications invited for the post of 'Chief Executive Officer (CEO)', Revitalising Rainfed Agriculture Network (RRA Network) , Secunderabad
A network that is advocating for a differentiated agricultural policy and support system for rainfed areas in India.
Posted on 13 Nov, 2013 02:17 PM

For more information on the Revitalising Rainfed Agriculture Network (RRA Network), please click here.

Applications invited for Media Fellowships on 'Urbanscapes: how sustainable are our cities ? ', Centre for Science and Environment
What are the essentials which need to be taken care of while accommodating the modern demands of designing and retrofitting our urban space?
Posted on 12 Nov, 2013 05:19 PM

For more information on Centre for Science and Environment, please click here.

For further details on the Fellowship, click here.

International Workshop on ' Water Safety Plan,Household Water Treatment andSafe Storage', CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur
To increase awareness and understanding of Water Safety Plan (WSP) and Household Water Treatment and Storage (HWTS) , to provide safe drinking-water at point of consumption.
Posted on 12 Nov, 2013 08:08 AM

For more information on the organisation, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), please click here.

For further details on the workshop, click here.

UNEP launches water quality guidelines for ecosystems
Policy matters this week: UNEP launches water quality guidelines for ecosystems, committee to explore wider use of Mangal turbines and 6500 fish ponds coming up in Meghalaya. Posted on 11 Nov, 2013 08:17 AM

UNEP launches water quality guidelines for ecosystems

Mangal turbine Source:
Call for proposals 'Water for public good', Hindustan Unilever Foundation (HUL)
The primary objective will be to further water in agriculture and livelihoods around HUL factory sites in selected geographies of 3 states.
Posted on 10 Nov, 2013 03:55 PM

For more information on Hindustan Unilever Foundation (HUL), please click here.

For further details on the Request for Proposal, view the attached documents below.

Call for proposals ' Reinvent the Toilet Challenge – India', Ministry of Science and Technology
A challenge that seeks to support the development of innovative, new sanitation technologies, products, and services.
Posted on 10 Nov, 2013 03:22 PM

For more information on the opportunity, please click here.

To read a blog on the Grand Challenges grant opportunity, click here.

Applications invited for 'Prime Minister's Rural Development Fellows Scheme', Ministry of Rural Development, GoI
PMRDFs objective is to the engage young professionals in improving the development programmes and create a ready resource for rural development activities over a long term.
Posted on 10 Nov, 2013 03:00 PM

For more information on the PMRDF scheme, please click here.

For application details and eligibility criteria, click here.

To view the training schedule, click here.

Applications invited for various job openings, Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination (CDD) Society, Bangalore
Opportunity to work with a society that aims to promote better environment especially for less privileged, disadvantaged and marginalised groups.
Posted on 10 Nov, 2013 02:32 PM

For more information on the organisation, Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination (CDD) Society, please click here and here.

The openings are for the following vacancies:

Vacancy for the post of 'Social Inclusion Officer', UNDP , New Delhi
UNDP is looking for a dynamic individual to support the ministry in anchoring the social audit component of the MGNREGA.
Posted on 10 Nov, 2013 10:09 AM

For further information on the UNDP, please click here.

Details of the opening at UNDP may be viewed here.

To apply online click here

Vacancy for the post of 'Programme Officer', GreenLine, Mumbai
A ‘green lifeline’ for our struggling world, With a simple yet significant vision: ‘Greener people, Greener world’!
Posted on 10 Nov, 2013 09:03 AM

For further information on the organisation 'GreenLine', please click here.

To know more on the opening, click here.
