Conservation - Reducing Water Usage

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November 25, 2022 These maps at the watershed scales have been made to not only ensure inclusion of different freshwater ecosystems, their connectivity and hydrological processes, but can also provide a spatial context for conservation decisions.
A stream at Anini, Arunachal Pradesh (Image Source: Roshni Arora)
September 21, 2022 The unique design and functioning of the Chakla bavdi in Chanderi Madhya Pradesh is another example of the water wisdom of our ancestors, which needs to be conserved and passed on to the future generations.
Chakla Bavdi at Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh (Image Source: Shirole, S. 2022. Architectural eloquence: Water harvesting structure in Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh (India). Ancient Asia, 13: 9, pp. 1–13)
June 21, 2022 While springs in Kashmir have still retained their good quality and have a great potential to be used for drinking water, threats to them are growing. Their protection and sustainable management is crucial.
Verinag spring in Anantanag district of Kashmir (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
January 13, 2022 State of the world’s land and water resources for food and agriculture: The synthesis report 2021
Sustainable agricultural practices lead to water saving, soil conservation, sustainable land management, conservation of natural resources, ecosystem and climate change benefits. (Image: Maheshwara, Pixahive)
November 9, 2021 Building resilient agricultural system through groundwater management interventions in degraded landscapes of Bundelkhand region
Charkhari talab in Bundelkhand (Image: IWP Flickr)
September 1, 2021 Best practices for holistic urban water management in Chennai Metropolitan Area
These bright plastic jugs are ubiquitous in Chennai and Tamil Nadu. (Image: McKay Savage, Flickr Commons; CC BY 2.0)
Traditional ways to water security
Reviving traditional water bodies, and not environmentally-unsustainable mega projects which are expensive, is the most viable solution to deal with water scarcity in parched lands like Bundelkhand. Posted on 04 Dec, 2016 08:15 PM

Although droughts are not new in India, we are seeing more of it of late.

A traditional pond in the fort city of Charkhari, Bundelkhand. (Source: India Water Portal)
Twin lakes of Bhoj
The lakes of Bhoj wetland that are home to many bird species and provide water to the local residents are now polluted and need urgent attention from the government. Posted on 21 Nov, 2016 10:10 PM

The Bhoj wetland is situated in the heart of Bhopal district in Madhya Pradesh. The wetland consists of two man-made lakes--the upper lake and the lower lake.

Raja Bhoj statue at the upper lake.
WASH away Ujjain woes
The holy city of Ujjain is dealing with severe water and sanitation issues. A study reveals serious anomalies in the WASH situation in the city. Posted on 07 Nov, 2016 10:31 PM

Despite all the hype around Swachh Bharat Mission, the situation on the ground remains dismal. The city of Ujjain is located on the western part of Madhya Pradesh on the Malwa Plateau and is primarily a religious tourism centre due to the Mahakal temple.

Open well in Hira mill ki chaal slum situated next to an open drain resulting in its water getting polluted.
Saving inland fisherfolk
Inland fishermen are fast disappearing. With inshore fishing picking up pace in India, this community needs to be saved. Posted on 03 Nov, 2016 06:07 AM

In his late 30s, Nilesh Heda is a renowned expert on issues related to fishing communities and wetland ecology. While doing his PhD on fish diversity, he worked with the fishing communities in Vidarbha in Maharashtra.

Dr Nilesh Heda
Centre drafts National Water Framework Bill 2016
Policy matters this week Posted on 17 Oct, 2016 09:19 AM

Bill to manage river basins out

Ganga at Garmukhteshwar (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)
Voices that go unheard
A documentary film throws light on the travails of people living on the banks of a changing Teesta. Posted on 08 Oct, 2016 09:45 AM

Minket Lepcha always felt close to nature and the environment since her childhood, thanks to her upbringing in the picturesque Darjeeling. Though she had spent many years in Delhi, studying and working in corporate firms, her interest in community development, environment and culture brought her back to her home town. 

Minket Lepcha receives Young Green Filmmaker award at WIFF 2016
Greywater recycling for toilet use
A study on greywater recycling solution for toilets done at a hostel for tribal students in Maharashtra shows significant improvement in sanitation and cleanliness. Posted on 22 Sep, 2016 10:31 PM

JalSevak Solutions present a feasibility study for implementation of JalSevak greywater recycling system at a tribal students' hostel in rural Maharashtra.

Triple benefits of JalSevak.
Saving the catchment area
The Somb-Thapana catchment is a stark contrast to the polluted Yamuna. Knowledge from the Thames and the local communities revived the water. Posted on 07 Sep, 2016 09:39 PM

River Yamuna, the largest tributary of river Ganga, is the most threatened river system in the country. It faces over abstraction of water and increasing pollution load (municipal and industrial) throughout its course.

Thapana stream in Mandoli village shows dense vegetation in riparian zone and fish flocking the stream.
Accept refuse: A lesson in wastewater management
There is a new technology available now to reuse domestic and industrial refuse. This could just be the solution to India’s increasing water problem. Posted on 31 Aug, 2016 01:05 PM

The demand, supply, availability and access of water resources do not always match. Going by the UN estimates, by the year 2022, India is expected to surpass China's population to become the most populous country in the world.

Constructed wetland at ICRISAT's Patancheru campus.
UP unable to protect Yamuna, Taj Mahal: NGT
Policy matters this week Posted on 08 Aug, 2016 11:37 PM

NGT raps UP government over Yamuna's pollution near the Taj Mahal

Yamuna river near the Taj Mahal. (Source: Ekabhishek via Wikipedia)