Research Papers

Water management traditions in the central-western Himalayas : a study by People's Science Institute
The study reviews a variety of water harvesting structures that have evolved over the millennia in central western Himalayan states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand Posted on 22 May, 2009 03:53 PM

The report highlights how traditionally, local communities exercised rights of ownership, use and management over their natural resources in the Himalayan states. They devised a variety of management systems suited to their own specific situation. Sanskar (precepts and rites), sanskriti (culture and customary practices) and niti (state policy and administration) were the bases of water harvesting traditions and their longevity. Individual dharma and social customs were the necessary conditions for sustaining these traditions, while local autonomy in resource management was the critical sufficient condition.

Phytoremediation - using plants to degrade pollutants (heavy metals) from soil and water - Journal of Ecobiology
This article describes the technique of phytoremediation, which is increasingly being adopted wherein certain plants are used to adsorb or degrade the pollutants from soil and water Posted on 21 May, 2009 05:37 PM

This article published in the Journal of Ecobiology describes the technique of phytoremediation, which is increasingly being adopted wherein certain plants are used to adsorb or degrade the pollutants from soil and water.

Biosorption for heavy metals - research journal of chemistry and environment
This article discusses the several methods that have been devised for the treatment and removal of heavy metals from water over the last few years in India Posted on 21 May, 2009 05:22 PM

This article from the Research Journal Of Chemistry And Environment discusses the several

Fluoride contamination status of groundwater in Karnataka
This article published in Current Science presents information on the state of flouride contamination of water in Karnataka Posted on 21 May, 2009 05:07 PM

This article published in Current Science presents information on the state of flouride contamination of water in Karnataka. Fluoride is known to contaminate groundwater reserves globally.

Nature of arsenic pollutants in groundwater of Bengal basin – A case study from Baruipur area - West Bengal (India)
Arsenic pollution of groundwater in Bengal basin is a geological problem and it is spreading rapidly, because of emergence of new data, increased awareness and more wells being tested Posted on 21 May, 2009 04:29 PM

This article published in Current Science discusses the nature of arsenic pollutants in the groundwater of Bengal basin.

A report on practical methods for arsenic removal from subsurface aquifers and drinking water systems
This report highlights and discusses the practical and proven methods for the removal of arsenic from groundwater aquifiers and drinking water systems Posted on 21 May, 2009 11:43 AM

This  report available on the Environmental site highlights and discusses the practical and proven methods for the removal of arsenic from groundwater aquifiers and drinking water systems.

Determination of toxicity of paper mill effluents - Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh) - A study by People's Science Institute
The study aims at determining the threshold toxicity level of paper mill effluent in the receiving water body Posted on 21 May, 2009 11:37 AM

This paper describes the study conducted by People's Science Institute that aimed at determining the threshold level of toxicity of a paper mill effluent, and the level of toxic

Fluoride testing and fluorosis mitigation in Sonabhadra district of Uttar Pradesh - A study by People's Science Institute
The study reveals high level of fluoride concentration in both groundwater and surface water sources of most of the villages in the district Posted on 21 May, 2009 11:20 AM

This paper presents the findings of a study  conducted by Peoples’

GIS based correlation between groundwater quality parameters and geological units: a research paper
The paper introduces the methodology to correlate groundwater quality parameters and geological units using statistical analysis through GIS Posted on 20 May, 2009 01:02 PM

In this paper, on the GIS Development site, a methodology is presented that utilises GIS to quantify the spatial geologic data and statistical analysis to determine the relation be

Mapping chlorophyll-a in upper lake Bhopal using IRS-1C data: a study
The study finds direct relation between areas showing high concentration of chl-a and untreated sewage Posted on 20 May, 2009 12:56 PM

This paper on the GIS Development site describes the findings of a study that aimed at mapping chlorophyll-a in upper lake, Bhopal using Irs-1C data
