Research Papers

Groundwater potential modelling in Chandraprabha subwatershed, Uttar Pradesh- a case study in GIS development
The study aims to find suitable sites for groundwater exploration in Chandraprabha subwatershed in Uttar Pradesh using remote sensing, geoelectrical and GIS approach Posted on 19 May, 2009 11:36 AM

This study on the GIS Development site attempts to select suitable locations for groundwater exploration in hard rock areas using an integrated approach of remote sensing, geoelect

Implications of alternative institutional arrangements in groundwater sharing - evidence from West Bengal
The paper compares two alternative institutional arrangements in water sharing from West Bengal based on the impact they have on water buyers - in most cases small and marginal farmers Posted on 18 May, 2009 05:13 PM

Informal groundwater-based pump irrigation services markets are an all-pervasive agrarian institution in South Asia, but have been criticised for bringing about less than equitable outcomes and causing groundwater over-exploitation.

The paradox of groundwater scarcity and its implications for food security and poverty alleviation in West Bengal
The paper looks at the reasons for recent stagnation in agricultural growth in West Bengal, after the spurt during the early 1990s Posted on 18 May, 2009 05:07 PM

This paper sourced from the site Global Development Network (GDN), argues that one of the main reasons for recent stagnation in West Bengal's agriculture is the severe 'energy-squeeze' it is experiencing due to overwhelming dependence on diesel pumps, recent escalation in diesel price

Crippling fluorosis in Assam - a study from Jadhavpur University in Current Science
An estimated 62 million people in India in 17 out of 32 states are affected with dental, skeletal / or non-skeletal fluorosis Posted on 18 May, 2009 04:57 PM

This document published in Current Science includes a study from Jadhavpur University on the incidence of flourosis in Assam. The first case of endemic fluorosis in humans from India was reported by Short et al. from Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh in 1937. In 1950 only our states in India - Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh were identified with people suffering from fluorosis.

Groundwater markets in Ganga-Meghna-Brahmaputra basin: theory and evidence - a review
The paper reviews the role of groundwater market, its evolution, spread, mode of functioning and impact in Ganga-Meghna-Brahamputra basin and concludes that these markets have a beneficial impact Posted on 18 May, 2009 04:37 PM

This paper published in Economic and Political Weekly reviews 13 papers (from 1974 to 2003) on groundwater markets in the region, in order to understand the role of groundwater

Adaptive approaches to groundwater governance: lessons from the Saurashtra recharging movement - a working paper by Institute of Rural Management Anand, Gujarat
The research paper by examines the Saurashtra recharging movement as a response to growing water scarcity conditions and increasing agrarian-based livelihood challenges Posted on 18 May, 2009 04:30 PM

A variety of socio-technical actions have been carried out by the movement participants, which have resulted in increased agrarian-based livelihood incomes, primarily through increased groundwater availability and with it an improved quality of life. The paper identifies the key drivers of the recharging movement and the factors that have sustained it. 

Integrated and sustainable rural water management for improving water quality in Mewat, Haryana
The paper touches on key elements of sustainability pertaining to rural water management, but with greater focus on improving technical sustainability of the infrastructure, through innovations Posted on 18 May, 2009 04:06 PM

This paper published by the Sehgal Foundation presents a case

Groundwater utilisation and sustainability - a research paper
The paper details current situation of groundwater and the significant impact of unsustainable groundwater use on hydrology, ecology and other natural resources Posted on 18 May, 2009 12:55 PM

GroundwaterThis paper describes the current groundwater situation and warns that the unsustainable use of groundwater stands to significantly impact a host of hydrological, ecological and other natural resources and services, including freshwater bodies, and aquatic, riparian, transitional, and terrestrial ecosystems. Baseflow will decrease and wetlands will disappear, streams and rivers will degrade, channel erosion will increase, and wildlife habitat will be reduced. Other impacts include drying up of wells, salt-water intrusion in coastal areas, and land subsidence.

Sustainable rural water management - a replicable case study by the Sehgal foundation
This paper touches on key elements of sustainability pertaining to rural water management, but with greater focus on improving technical sustainability of the infrastructure, through innovations. Posted on 14 May, 2009 03:12 PM

The case study is on integrated water management in village Ghaghas, Haryana, which is replicable in general, though micro conditions in villages would be different. Often the failure of water management structures is due to lack of design for silt management.

The living wisdom: using local well driller knowledge to construct digital groundwater data bases
The study analyses knowledge of well drillers about groundwater aquifers and verify it with scientific data Posted on 14 May, 2009 12:39 PM

In the absence of groundwater instrumentation networks in India, the knowledge of local well drillers about the location, quality, etc of groundwater aquifers is invaluable. 

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