Research Papers

Flood control policies in India - A paper in the journal Golden Research Thoughts
The paper traces the history of flood management in India, its successes and failures, the methods and structures used for flood management and suggests the way forward Posted on 25 Jul, 2012 10:37 AM

This paper published in the journal Golden Research Thoughts aims at describing the different initiatives undertaken by the expert committees and Government of India in tackling the flood problem of India.

Impact of climate change on food security in India - A paper published in the journal Advances in Asian Social Science
This paper analyses the food security condition of India during the last few decades and the impact of climate change on food security of India Posted on 24 Jul, 2012 12:14 AM

This paper published in the journal Advances in Asian Social Science analyses the food security condition of India during the last few decades and the impact of climate change on food security of India.

Total sanitation campaign: Budgeting for change series - A report by CBGA and UNICEF
This report aims at understanding the issues that constrained fund utilisation in the Total Sanitation Campaign, India Posted on 20 Jul, 2012 05:56 PM

This report by the Centre for Governance and Budget Accountability (CGBA) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), India, attempts to assess the magnitude of public spending on sanitation in India, specifically on the Total Sani

Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme in Uttarakhand - Performance review - A CAG audit report
This report presents the findings of an audit in the state of Uttarakhand that evaluated the Accelerated Rural Water and Sanitation programme (ARWSP) Posted on 20 Jul, 2012 11:45 AM

This report published by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) presents the findings of an audit that was conducted in the state of Uttarakhand that evaluated the perfor

Cleansing of the river Ganga and the World Bank loan - An article in the Observer Research Foundation's Energy News Monitor
This article argues that it is necessary to take a holistic approach while dealing with pollution of the Ganga and then undertaking steps or measures to deal with it Posted on 19 Jul, 2012 09:52 AM

This article published in the Observer Research Foundation's Energy News Monitor reflects o

Water quality and quantity analysis in Sikkim, North Eastern Himalaya - A paper published in Current Science
This paper looks at the quality and quantity of water resources in Sikkim Posted on 11 Jul, 2012 11:24 AM

This paper  in the journal Current Science presents the findings of a study that aimed at taking an overview of the water resources and their management in the East and South districts of Sikkim and understand issues related to quality and quantity of water resources in the are

Papers on wastewater treatment in Delhi by Elsevier publications
These papers look at the microbiological quality of treated wastewater in Delhi and the sources of microbial pollution during dry and wet weather in Delhi watersheds Posted on 10 Jul, 2012 05:47 PM

1.Reuse of treated sewage in Delhi city: Microbial evaluation of STPs and reuse options
Priyanka Jamwala,  Atul K. Mittal

Putting the cook before the stove: A user-centred approach to understanding household energy decision-making- A case study of Haryana state, Northern India by Stockholm Environment Institute
This paper seeks to understand household cooking practices and the decisions that are made about energy options Posted on 10 Jul, 2012 12:50 PM

This working paper by the Stockholm Environment Institute seeks to understand household cooking practices and the decisions that are made about energy options. The aim is to show the way for the communities to use clean energy.

Environment Report Card of Bangalore, 2012 by the Centre for Sustainable Development (CSD)
This report sheds light on citizen’s perceptions on Bangalore’s environment and includes contributions from experts from the governmental and non governmental organisations Posted on 09 Jul, 2012 01:28 PM

This report by the Centre for Sustainable Development sheds light on citizen’s perception on Bangalore’s environment. It is a result of contribution by various government bodies, experts and organisation. This report has been divided into four chapters followed by a brief reference list.

Biofuels in India: Potential, policy and emerging paradigms- A policy paper by National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research
This article discusses the possibility of using bioenergy as an alternative to fossil fuels Posted on 28 Jun, 2012 05:15 PM

This policy paper by National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research sheds light on use of bio energy as an alternative to fossil fuels.
