Policies, Laws and Regulations

Review of Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal - A report on Krishna river water allocations
Recently, Justice Brijesh Kumar Tribunal (Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal - 2) has given the report allocating Krishna river water among the riparian states. Posted on 08 Mar, 2011 04:42 PM

This is a review of KWDT-2 report analysing how it has failed to protect the long term sustainable productivity and ecology of the river basin. It has also failed to understand the water allocations done by previous KWDT-1. KWDT-2 also negated the earlier KWDT-1 allocations at the same time categorically stating that it cannot change water use allocations of previous award.

Co-processing of distillery spent wash concentrate in cement industry – Inviting comments on the draft guidelines by the Central Pollution Control Board (2010)
Co-processing of wastes in cement kiln has emerged as an environment friendly alternative disposal method in the recent years. Posted on 01 Mar, 2011 09:48 PM

In order to utilize the hazardous wastes generated in the cement industry the Central Pollution Control Board has come up with the draft guidelines (in February 2010) dealing with the co-processing of distillery spent wash concentrate in the cement industry.

Kerala's bill to penalise Coke - Relief and compensation for Plachimada factory victims
The Kerala government's decision to bring in a bill: Plachimada Coca-Cola Victims — Relief and Compensation Claims Special Tribunal in the State Assembly yesterday is certainly an epic decision. Posted on 01 Mar, 2011 02:39 PM

 'The Bill proposes to get compensation from the company and to form a tribunal to provide time-bound compensation. The tribunal is to have a chairman, a technical member and an administrative member'.

Coastal Regulation Zone Notification 2011: Not the end of the road - An EPW paper
This article shows how the recent Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification 2011 fails to meet the demands of the fishing community and environmentalist groups. Posted on 01 Mar, 2011 11:59 AM

 It falls short of offering greater protection to the coastal ecosystem, recognising the inalienable right of fisherfolk to their habitats and providing them with representation in decision-making.

CIC orders CWC to disclose the Almatti backwater study under RTI in public interest - Press release by SANDRP
Central Information Commission (CIC) rejects Central Water Comission (CWC) stand on keeping the backwater level study secret, orders CWC to disclose the Almatti study in public interest Posted on 17 Feb, 2011 11:46 AM


State Forest Policy of Jammu and Kashmir (2010)
The State is richly endowed with diverse forest resources which play an important role in preserving the fragile ecosystem of the region and also serve as catchments for important Himalayan rivers. Posted on 12 Feb, 2011 08:33 PM

In the backdrop of the essential need for maintaining a healthy forest resource, the valid concern for its continued depletion and degradation, and, being aware of the close association between people and forests, the Forest Department (Government of Jammu and Kashmir), has recently adopted a Forest Policy.

Coastal Regulation Zone (2011) Notification, Island Protection Zone (2011) Notification and Traditional Coastal and Marine Fisherfolk (Protection of Rights) Act (2009) by the Ministry of Environment and Forests
For the first time an Island Protection Zone Notification (2011) is being notified and published covering Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep. Posted on 11 Feb, 2011 09:22 PM

The Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) notification of 1991 has been replaced recently in January 2011 by the latest CRZ notification of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF).

Plastic waste (management and handling) rules, 2011 notified by MoEF
The Ministry of Environment and Forests has notified the Plastic Waste Rules, 2011. It replaces the earlier Recycled Plastics Manufacture and Usage Rules,1999. Posted on 08 Feb, 2011 04:14 PM

 These Rules have been brought out following detailed discussions and consultations with a wide spectrum of stakeholders including civil society, industry bodies, relevant Central Government Ministries and State Governments.

Releasing the Rules the Minister of Environment and Forests, Mr. Jairam Ramesh said "It is impractical and undesirable to impose a blanket ban on the use of plastic all over the country. The real challenge is to improve municipal solid waste management systems. In addition to the privatization and mechanization of the municipal solid waste management systems we must be sensitive to the needs and concerns of the lakhs of people involved in the informal sector’’.

Defect in water rate amendment notification issued on 01/10/2010 by Orissa Government
Legal Aspects of Water Rate / Licence Fees charged by the State Government of Orissa for Industrial / Commercial use of Ground Water Posted on 08 Feb, 2011 03:40 PM

Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules 2010 - Welcome, but a lost opportunity - Press release by SANDRP
Firstly, the definition of the Wetlands in the rules does not include Rivers and floodplains which are included under wetlands under the Ramsar convention on Wetlands that India is signatory to. Posted on 04 Feb, 2011 10:33 AM

SANDRPOn the occasion of the World Wetlands Day 2011, while we welcome the notification of Wetland (Conservation and Management) rules 2010 by the Union Ministry of Env
