Policies, Laws and Regulations

Applications invited for 'Boot Camp: Covering India', Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi
An orientation on the environment development debate bogging the Indian polity, with field visit to experience and report on the eco restoration work being done at the grassroots
Posted on 13 Sep, 2013 04:33 PM

For more information on the boot camp, please click here.

To apply for the same, fill the registration form online here.

Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi
Invitation for a seminar ' Save Ganga & Save Himalayas ', Save Ganga Movement, Mumbai, October 2, 2013
A free and frank critical discussion on ways and means to save the Ganga and the Himalayas through a Gandhian movement of non violence.
Posted on 12 Sep, 2013 12:22 PM

For more details on the meeting cum panel discussion, please click here.

Please see below for the attachments that provide more information on the invitation .

Save Ganga Movement
Invite to International Conference on “Advances in Water Resources Development and Management” (AWRDM-2013), National Institute of Hydrology, Chandigarh
A conference to exchange ideas, identify new problems, investigate concerned issues, explore new approaches and initiate possible collaborative research on water related issues.
Posted on 12 Sep, 2013 09:58 AM

For more information on the AWRDM-2013, please click here.

To register for the conference, please click here, or download it from below.

National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee
200-crore penalty for Adani's Mundra port
News this week: 200-crore penalty on Mundra port, Parliament passes Land Acquisition Bill and dengue spreads in Mumbai. Posted on 08 Sep, 2013 07:32 PM


200-crore penalty for Adani's Mundra port

Land reclaimation from the sea at the Mundra Port
Invitation for national conference on 'Ancient farming technologies of India : Principles and practices', Institute of Scientific Research on Vedas, Dondapadu Eluru, Andhra Pradesh
A conference to motivate a researcher to go more deep in to traditional Indian organic farming techniques and to encourage a general field agriculturist to adopt more ancient techniques.
Posted on 07 Sep, 2013 01:37 PM

For more information on this interesting conference, please click here.

Traditional farming techniques
Food Security Bill sees light of the day
News this week - Lok Sabha passes the Food Security Bill, floods engulf Gujarat and India bans shark finning. Posted on 01 Sep, 2013 10:28 PM


Food security bill passed

Affordable food for all (Source: Google Images)
Unbalanced - Bangalore's water supply and demand
Averaging out demand per person isn't good enough to determine supply. Other variables such as growth of a city, difference in groundwater conditions by area and sewerage are equally important. Posted on 01 Sep, 2013 09:02 PM

Water consumption varies based on many factors – how much water is available, where one lives, one’s personal habits, the weather, the seasons and so on and so forth. Each of these contributes to varying usage patterns.

Integrated water resource management
Invitation for Madurai Symposium 2013 themed 'Governance for Advancing Development', Dhan Foundation, Madurai
A unique development platform that brings together various stakeholders to share, learn from each others' experience and practices, and throws opportunities for collaborative endeavors.
Posted on 31 Aug, 2013 01:03 PM

For details on the symposium, please click here.

For further information on the various events, workshops & conferences , please click here.

For brochure on event, please see attachment below.

Madurai Symposium 2013
Invite to a training course on 'Integrated Farming Systems for enhancing resource-use efficiency and livelihood security of small and marginal farmers', Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, December 20-27, 2013
Integrated farming systems (IFS) for enhancing resource-use efficiency and livelihood security is the need of the hour for management of natural resources & to achieve sustainability in agriculture.
Posted on 29 Aug, 2013 10:57 AM

For more information on the course, please click for the information brochure here.

Interested candidates may also send an advance copy of application by Email to anilhpau2010@gmail.com

Free online course on 'Designing and implementing successful water supply and sanitation utility reform', The World Bank, September 23 - November 19, 2013
A core learning program to provide government officials, senior managers of utilities and technical staff with the knowledge, skills and tools for initiating and sustaining reform.
Posted on 29 Aug, 2013 08:54 AM

For further details on the online course, please click here.
