
Role of private sector in promoting rainwater harvesting' - bRAINstorming
Newsletter of International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance - N° 37 – April 2011 Posted on 06 Apr, 2011 05:20 PM

Content courtesy: IRHA

Coping with disasters - Himal Southasian Magazine March 2011 special issue
This March 2011 issue of Himal looks at what we in Southasia know we can change - and what we cannot. Posted on 24 Mar, 2011 07:42 AM

Coping with disasters - Himal Southasian Magazine March 2011 special issueThe carnage and devastation in the aftermath of a tsun

"New Water Policy by 2011" - Droplets
e-Newsletter of Everything About Water (March 2011) Posted on 09 Mar, 2011 05:46 PM


  • New Water Policy by 2011
    Nine years after the last document, work is on to put in shape a new water policy for India that will by the end of the year not just lay down a framework for the allocation of water but also take into account the impact of climate change and the remedial steps that need to be taken.
  • Japan will extend Rs 2,557 Crore aid
    Japan is to extend an aid of Rs. 2,557 crore to India for three projects through its Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) window. The projects pertain to cleaning the river Yamuna in the national capital Delhi, crop diversification promotion in Himachal Pradesh and biodiversity conservation and greening in Tamil Nadu
"Access and behavioral outcome indicators for water, sanitation and hygiene by USAID Hygiene Improvement Project",
E-Disha, Newsletter of CDD Society, Issue 2, Volume 9, March 2011 Posted on 09 Mar, 2011 12:11 PM

Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination Society

  • Access and behavioral outcome indicators for water, sanitation, and hygiene by USAID Hygiene Improvement Project
    The document highlights the evidence that has accumulated based on the reliable assessment and validation of hygiene practices – practices that are critical for the prevention of diarrheal diseases and the reduction of child morbidity and mortality.
"Civil society groups to do NREGA audit again"
MGNREGS news updates compiled by FES (1 - 15 February 2011) Posted on 04 Mar, 2011 11:56 AM



Main highlights in this update:

Urban Rainwater Harvesting'- bRAINstorming
Newsletter of International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance - N° 36 – February 2011 Posted on 10 Feb, 2011 11:11 AM

International Rainwater Harvesting AllianceThe International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance newsletter for February 2011. Newsletter focuses on all activities concerning rainwater harvesting.

  • Potential water availability from rainwater harvesting in India
    Rainwater harvesting can play an important role in supplying urban dwellers with water. The impermeable roof surfaces that are widespread within a city, lend themselves perfectly to the collection of rainwater.
"Recommendations on water and sanitation services to urban poor"
Issue 16, Jan 2011, WASH newsletter Posted on 02 Feb, 2011 05:31 PM

Water Sanitation HygieneThe India WASH Forum newsletter for January 2011. It is an open platform for engagement on contemporary issues, for an independent credible voice in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector.

  • Recommendations on water and sanitation services to urban poor
    The group came up with a list of prioritised issues that need immediate attention if the urban poor were to be provided with sustainable and equitable water and sanitation services.

  • Water resources are under stress of depletion as well as denial of access for the poor
    Drinking water needs are met primarily from ground water. Except for the large metros that suck away water from rivers, most small towns in India depend on ground water supply.
"Urban sanitation in India: life after Common Wealth Games"
Issue 15 Nov 2010, WASH newsletter Posted on 02 Feb, 2011 05:16 PM

Water Sanitation HygieneThe India WASH Forum newsletter for November 2010. It is an open platform for engagement on contemporary issues, for an independent credible voice in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector.

  • Recent estimates of drinking water and sanitation status of India
    As per the estimate, India has achieved a coverage of 68% rural population having access to an individual household toilet.

  • Urban sanitation in India: life after Common Wealth Games
    The Commonwealth Games generated a media blitz recently. Unfortunately, instead of highlighting the sorry state of sanitation in India, the issue was trivialized in the media.
December 2010 - January 2011: "Dams, Rivers and People" - The SANDRP newsletter
The SANDRP newsletter for continues its critical analysis of dams, irrigation and related issues Posted on 11 Jan, 2011 01:00 PM

South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and PeopleThe SANDRP newsletter for December 2010 - January 2011 continues its critical analysis of dams, irrigation and related issues:

  • Water Crisis in Ramsar Wetlands of India
  • India dodged UN to get climate credits?