News and Articles

Strengthening the frontline for water security
Challenges and aspirations of community champions and how programs can address them Posted on 12 Mar, 2021 05:00 PM

India has over 2,50,000 Gram Panchayats, which manage the governance of over 6,64,000 villages spread across the country.

Kalyani Dash works with 150 households in the village directly and trains them on chemical-free farming techniques, water secure crop production, efficient water use in agriculture for a sustainable farming future as well as kitchen and nutrition gardening. (Image: FES)
Young professionals motivate people to participate in rural sanitation
Involving youth to identify appropriate WASH solutions Posted on 12 Mar, 2021 12:23 PM

We all know that regular use of toilets is very important for having good health.

The Young Professionals worked closely with the District and aimed to fill the gap of the Swachchata Dooths (Image: SCOPE)
Meandering waterways: the interconnectedness of people’s action on water availability
Water demand and availability cannot be viewed in isolation. It is rather an outcome of the whole set of actions that people undertake to improve their lives and enhance their livelihoods. Posted on 09 Mar, 2021 01:21 PM

“Everything is connected”. I watched a docuseries named “Connected: the hidden science of everything” where a journalist named Latif Nasser investigates how we and the universe are connected. After watching this docuseries, I thought about it and tried gathering pieces of evidence regarding this connectivity around me over the past one year.

Improving water availability in Mogras. Image used for representation only (Image Source: WOTR)
Telangana among states ensuring tap water supply to schools, anganwadis
News this week Posted on 03 Mar, 2021 02:25 PM

Telangana joins a group of states which have ensured tap water supply to schools, anganwadis

Tap water in a rural school (Image source: IWP Flickr photos)
Revival of Ganga wetlands gets government's attention
Policy matters this week Posted on 03 Mar, 2021 02:18 PM

Jal Shakti Ministry draws focus towards revival of Ganga wetlands

Receding Ganga river at Sangam (Image source: IWP Flickr photos)
Study detects high levels of arsenic in cooked rice in Bihar
Need to remove arsenic from the food chain and not just drinking water in endemic areas Posted on 03 Mar, 2021 08:01 AM

Extensive evidence of elevated arsenic in the food chain, mainly rice, wheat and vegetables exists.

Median excess lifetime cancer risk of 2 per 10,000 from food arsenic exposure in Bihar. (Image: Wikimedia Commons)
Managing groundwater demand: the way forward
Substituting groundwater irrigation by canal irrigation will not help in maintaining the current levels of food production in India. Managing groundwater demand will, finds a study. Posted on 02 Mar, 2021 07:25 AM

Groundwater reserves are depleting at rapid rates in India, which is one of the world’s largest consumer of groundwater with it  providing 60 percent of the irrigation needs of the country.

Groundwater, a valuable resource! (Image Source: India Water Portal)
Fluoride and nitrate - a health problem in Anantapur
High fluoride and nitrate cause dental, skeletal fluorosis and methemoglobinemia in infants and stomach cancer in adults Posted on 28 Feb, 2021 03:26 PM

Urban and rural areas rely on groundwater for drinking and around 90% of the rural people depend on groundwater for domestic purposes.

Non carcinogenic risks for adults are more prone to risk greater than those children and infants in the study area (Image: India Water Portal)
Digital tool to monitor groundwater
Women in Rajasthan use a groundwater monitoring tool to record water levels and promote water literacy Posted on 28 Feb, 2021 09:41 AM

According to a 2006 report by the Inter-Agency Task Force, titled ‘Gender, Water and Sanitation’

Women use an open source groundwater monitoring tool that enables collection of water level data of wells and its collation on a web platform for easy access by all. (Image: FES)
Baravas - Unique water harvesting structures of Maharashtra
Baravas, the unique water harvesting structures of Maharashtra continue to stand the test of time. Urgent efforts need to be made to conserve them and learn from them! Posted on 24 Feb, 2021 10:56 PM

Traditional groundwater storage structures such as cisterns, stepwells, tanks, and wells in India are well known and had cultural, religious, social, and utilitarian significance in olden times.

A barav from Limb village in Satara district, Maharashtra (Image Source: Aarti Kelkar Khambete)