News and Articles

Water quality of district Haridwar - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study attempts to determine the water quality of all available sources of water be it surface, ground or waste water and find out the sources of pollution for the Haridwar district of Uttarakhand. Posted on 22 Jun, 2010 08:11 AM

The study attempts to determine the water quality of all available sources of water be it surface, ground or waste water and find out the likely sources of pollution for the Hardwar district of Uttar Pradesh. The physico-chemical parameters of the water were determined. The effect of monsoon on the water quality was studied by collecting and analyzing the pre and post monsoon samples.

Adsorption of zinc in bed sediments of river Ganga - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study attempts to determine the adsorption characteristics of bed sediments of rivers for the control of metal pollution in River Ganga at Haridwar. Posted on 22 Jun, 2010 08:10 AM

The study attempts to determine the adsorption characteristics of bed sediments of rivers for the control of metal pollution. In particular, it looks at adsorption of zinc ions on bed sediments for the river Ganga at Hardwar. In the natural conditions of river water, suspended loads and sediments have an important function of buffering higher metal concentrations of water, particularly by adsorption or precipitation. 

Groundwater quality in Greater Guwahati with respect to trace elements - A research report by the National Institute of Hydrology
The study on groundwater quality of Greater Guwahati analyses various trace elements in samples of drinking water. Posted on 22 Jun, 2010 08:08 AM

The study on groundwater quality of Greater Guwahati analyses various trace elements in samples and ascertains that their concentration is much higher than the tolerance limit prescribed for drinking water. The trace element analysis focuses on metals such as Cu, Co, Cd, Fe, Zn and Pb.

Owing to the inadequacies of piped water supply, the Greater Guwahati area depends on groundwater from ringwells and tubewells for drinking purposes. Groundwater is mostly polluted from the effluents discharged by industries on land, seepage from sewage lines & tanks and application of pesticides on agricultural land. Due to the low flow velocity, groundwater once contaminated will remain so for longer periods. Metals assume significance because of their greater toxicity, accumulative and non-biodegradable behavior. 

Pollution potential of pesticides in the Hindon river – A research report by the National Institute of Hydrology
The study attempts to find out the pollution potential in the Hindon river, a polluted river in western Uttar Pradesh. Posted on 22 Jun, 2010 08:07 AM

The study attempts to find out the pollution potential in the Hindon river, a polluted river in western Uttar Pradesh. Qualitative and quantitative estimation of pesticides was done using gas chromatography. Among various organic, inorganic and biological water pollutants, pesticides are very dangerous and harmful because of their carcinogenic properties. Pesticides are bio-accumulative and relatively stable and therefore require close monitoring.

A hydrological study of Lake Nainital – A research report by the National Institute of Hydrology
The hydrological study develops a water balance of the Lake Nainital to facilitate the utilization of its water in a planned and systematic manner. Posted on 22 Jun, 2010 08:06 AM

The hydrological study develops a water balance of the Lake Nainital to facilitate the utilization of its water in a planned and systematic manner. The lack of knowledge of input and output parameters such as subsurface inflow, use of lake water for domestic and industrial purposes, evaporation loss and leakage from lake including the outflow through sluice gates had created uncertainty in determining the availability of water in the lake. The study attempts to understand the behavior of the input and output parameters in detail by using both conventional and isotopic techniques.

The lake meets the local drinking and domestic water needs and is for the most part fed by rainfall during monsoon and by inflow from perennial springs and subsurface inflow during the non-monsoon season.

Statistical analysis of rainfall in Sagar division - A research report by the National Institute of Hydrology
The study seeks to understand the problem of rainfall, particularly for identification of any trend or persistence in the rainfall series in the five districts of Sagar division of Madhya Pradesh. Posted on 22 Jun, 2010 08:05 AM

The study seeks to understand the problem of rainfall, particularly for identification of any trend or persistence in the rainfall series in the five districts of Sagar division of Madhya Pradesh. A statistical analysis of the rainfall pattern is conducted using World Meteorological Organization (WMO) recommended statistical techniques for climatological analysis. Besides studying the statistical parameters and cross correlation, other techniques like linear regression and polynomial regression have been applied to identify the presence of any trend. 

Variation of soil moisture characteristics in a part of the Hindon river catchment - A research report by the National Institute of Hydrology
The study attempts to do a field and laboratory determination of soil moisture characteristics in a part of the Hindon river catchment. Posted on 22 Jun, 2010 08:03 AM

The study attempts to do a field and laboratory determination of soil moisture characteristics such as particle size distribution, hydraulic conductivity and soil moisture retention curve in a part of the Hindon river catchment and studies the variation of these along the river in its upstream reach.

Development of geomorphological instantaneous unit hydrograph for Myntdu Leska basin - A research report by the National Institute of Hydrology
The study attempts to develop a computerized model for GIUH for estimation of flood hydrographs resulting from intermittent storms of varying intensity. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 05:25 PM

The study attempts to develop a computerized model for Geomorphological Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (GIUH) for estimation of flood hydrographs resulting from intermittent storms of varying intensity. The model applied to the rainfall-runoff data of the Myntdu-Leska basin of Meghalaya infers that the channel network and geomorphological features are closely related to the retention and discharge characteristics of the basin.

The theory of GIUH assumes that rainfall that occurs over a basin is assumed to be composed of infinite number of non-interacting drops of uniform size. After spending some time in one state in the channel or overland region, the drop makes transitions to another state to reach the basin outlet. Assuming one parameter, exponential time distribution of one drop chosen at random from the basin defines the IUH of the basin.

Determination of hydraulic conductivity of soils in Central Bihar - A research report by the National Institute of Hydrology
The study gives a systematic methodology to determine field hydraulic conductivity using Guelph Permeameter (GP) for the soils in Central Bihar. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 05:20 PM

The study gives a systematic methodology to determine field hydraulic conductivity using Guelph Permeameter (GP), its limitation based on the experiences gained in the field and a comparison of its results with that estimated from the predictive method for the soils in Central Bihar. Predictive methods applying empirical formulae are used to ascertain hydraulic conductivity from easily determined factors like bulk density, porosity and water content.

Physically based hydrological models, soil water balance, groundwater flow and transport models require values of saturated and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity to solve the sub-surface flow and transport equations. Several field, laboratory and predictive methods are available for determination of this parameter. However, these methods have some advantages and some limitations. GP is used as a tool to determine the field hydraulic conductivity even when the water table is low. It is portable, durable and allows rapid field calculation of saturated and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity.

Application of Geographical Information Systems for the assessment of soil erosion using Universal Soil Loss Equation – A research report by the National Institute of Hydrology
The study estimates the average soil loss using the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the Hire nadi catchment, in Yelbarga taluk, Koppal district of Karnataka, under different conditions. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 05:12 PM

The study estimates the average soil loss using the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tool of Integrated Land and Water Information Systems (ILWIS) and the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) methodology for the Hire nadi catchment, in Yelbarga taluk, Koppal district of Karnataka, under different conditions.  

Scientific planning for soil conservation and water management requires knowledge of the relations among factors that cause and prevent soil and water loss.  Controlled studies on field plots and small watersheds have supplied vital information regarding these complex factors and their interrelations.
