News and Articles

Spectral response of rice plant canopy – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study was conducted with the objective of establishing the relationship between spectral reflectance of rice canopy and crop growth. Posted on 28 Jun, 2010 04:26 PM

The study was conducted with the objective of establishing the relationship between spectral reflectance of rice canopy and crop growth. Significant relationship was developed between spectral indices and growth period. The coefficient of correlation between crop growth period and spectral reflectance ranged from 0.41 to 0.97 for the plant growth stages and canopy reflectance in single band and ratio spectra.

Groundwater quality studies in Jammu and Kathua districts (Jammu and Kashmir) – A research report by the National Institute of Hydrology
The study presents detailed investigations of the chemical quality of groundwater in Jammu and Kathua districts ,J & K, carried out to evaluate the suitability of water for various uses. Posted on 28 Jun, 2010 11:55 AM

The study presents detailed investigations of the chemical quality of groundwater in Jammu and Kathua districts (J & K), carried out to evaluate the suitability of water for various uses. The quality of groundwater of the area has been studied based on the physico-chemical analysis of thirty seven water samples collected from open wells between June and December, 1996.

Various parameters like pH, conductance, alkalinity, hardness, chloride, sulphate, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium have been determined for all the samples and compared with the standards to evaluate its suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes.

Irrigation water quality has been computed on the basis of Doneen’s Permeability Index and residual Sodium Carbonate. The higher values of some parameters at certain locations indicate the contamination in groundwater and make the water unsuitable for specific applications.

Field testing of weighing raingauge - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study by the NIH, attempts to carry out field testing of the weighing raingauge for measurement of rainfall, which is at the core of all hydrological measurements. Posted on 27 Jun, 2010 10:48 PM

The study attempts to carry out field testing of the weighing raingauge for measurement of rainfall, which is at the core of all hydrological measurements. The tipping bucket rain gauges are generally used for automated recording of rainfall data. It has been reported that the tipping bucket mechanism of such raingauges frequently malfunctions and gives erroneous data, especially during high intensity rainstorms.

Single column hydrologic simulation using SHE models - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The article is about the European Hydrological System which is physically based distributed model and helps in understanding the importance of evaporation data and soil parameters. Posted on 27 Jun, 2010 10:31 PM

The Systems Hydrologique European – European Hydrological System (SHE) is a physically based distributed model and it provides a useful setup for understanding the importance of evaporation data and soil parameters. 

In this study, single column hydrologic simulations have been carried out for examining the sensitivity of this model to pan evaporation data of the various stations as well as the increase in conductivity of the unsaturated zone. Furthermore, the reduction in the value of exponent appearing in the Averjanov’s formula and reduction in the values of moisture content at wilting point and residual water content has been studied for a single grid of 2 km X 2 km size of the Narmada river.

Analysis of flow to a multi-aquifer well - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
In this study, unsteady flow towards a fully penetrating well screened in both the aquifers of a two-aquifer system separated by an aquitard has been analyzed using numerical approach. Posted on 27 Jun, 2010 08:51 PM

In this study, unsteady flow towards a fully penetrating well screened in both the aquifers of a two-aquifer system separated by an aquitard has been analyzed using numerical approach. Existence of multi-aquifer systems is common in a sedimentary basin.

Assessment of irrigation return flow - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
This report presents the methodologies for assessment of irrigation return flow, which is a significant component of water balance of irrigation command areas. Posted on 27 Jun, 2010 08:42 PM

This report presents the various methodologies for correct assessment of irrigation return flow, which is one of the most significant components  in the water balance of irrigation command areas. A part of the water applied to the irrigation fields percolates deep to recharge the groundwater and is known as  irrigation return flow. In this report methodologies have been presented for assessment of irrigation return flow through soil moisture modeling, water balance approach, experimental determination and groundwater modeling. 

Effect of channel characteristics on flood wave propagation - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
This study attempts to explain flood wave propagation in natural and artificial channels within the perspective of site-specific rating curve. Posted on 27 Jun, 2010 08:06 PM

The study attempts to explain flood wave propagation in natural and artificial channels within the perspective of site-specific rating curve. The study looks at the impacts of channel characteristics – bed slope, flood plains, channel shape, expansion-contraction combination, inactive storage, Manning’s roughness, expansion and contraction on flood wave propagation.

Wind erosion and lake sedimentation in desert areas – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
This study looks at the various processes and mechanisms of wind erosion as well as the factors that contribute to the increase or decrease of wind erosion in desert. Posted on 27 Jun, 2010 07:51 PM

The study looks at the various processes and mechanisms of wind erosion as well as the factors that contribute to the increase or decrease of wind erosion in desert areas in the particular context of the Great Indian Desert. The method of estimation of soil loss in a desert area due to wind as suggested by Woodruff and Siddoway on the lines of Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is explained.

Catchment modeling in a Geographical Information Systems environment - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The report develops rainfall-runoff modeling for simulating and forecasting the flow from a catchment, and in determining the inflow series for the ungauged catchments. Posted on 27 Jun, 2010 08:32 AM

The report develops rainfall-runoff modeling for simulating and forecasting the flow from a catchment, and in determining the inflow series for the ungauged catchments on the basis of records of gauged catchments.

Because of the scarcity of data, mostly lumped models have been used to model the rainfall-runoff process in a catchment. However distributed models are more accurate and need to be adopted for modeling the complex processes at the scale of basins.

Parameter characterization for solute transport in groundwater - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study attempts to develop a mathematical model for transport of a solute in groundwater by taking the mass balance of the dissolved pollutant over a static elementary volume. Posted on 27 Jun, 2010 08:16 AM

The study attempts to develop a mathematical model for transport of a solute in groundwater by taking the mass balance of the dissolved pollutant over a static elementary volume in three cartesian coordinates.

The management of groundwater resources is becoming a complicated task due to the overwhelming pressure on groundwater and the changing scenario of groundwater quality (physical, chemical and biological). 

The hydraulics of groundwater is governed by many bounded and un-bounded factors. The mixing of constituents in groundwater is an important factor that shapes the occurrence of constituents in any precise location at any given time.
