News and Articles

AnRak Aluminium in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh: Another Vedanta in the making ? – An article in EPW
This paper in Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) by Patrik Oskarsson deals with the bauxite (aluminium) project which is very similar to the Vedanta project in Odisha and is coming up in Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh.
Posted on 10 Jan, 2013 10:35 PM

This paper in Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) by Patrik Oskarsson deals with the bauxite (aluminium) project which is very similar to the Vedanta project in Odisha and is coming up in Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh.

AnRak Aluminium, a company of the government of Rasal-Khaimah of the United Arab Emirates and Penna Cement of AP has secured approval for both an aluminium complex and the bauxite mines, but the final forest clearance for the mines is awaited.

The AnRak project has replicated the Vedanta model of first building the refinery and then setting up the mine. The mine is to be operated by the state government to circumvent the ban on non-tribal landownership.

Forced displacement: A gendered analysis of the Tehri dam project, Uttarakhand - An article in EPW
This paper by Vandana Asthana in the Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) examines the lived experiences of displaced women based on the empirical findings of research that looks at women displaced by the construction of the Tehri Dam and their relocation elsewhere. Posted on 10 Jan, 2013 08:18 PM

This paper by Vandana Asthana in the Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) examines the lived experiences of displaced women based on the empirical findings of research that looks at women displaced by the construction of the Tehri Dam and their relocation elsewhere.

On the Sabarmati riverfront: Urban planning as totalitarian governance in Ahmedabad, Gujarat – An article in EPW
This paper by Navdeep Mathur questions whether the official narrative that presents Ahmedabad as a pioneer in urban transformation in India engages with the experiences of the urban poor in Ahmedabad by examining processes around the Sabarmati Riverfront Development Project. Posted on 10 Jan, 2013 07:05 PM

LEISA magazine special issues in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu - A compilation of selected articles on combating desertification
Low external input and sustainable agriculture (LEISA) India has come up with a collection of alternative ways of combating desertification in the fragile region of the country in its recent issue. The articles are success stories of such intiatives by farmers and NGOs. Posted on 10 Jan, 2013 12:08 PM

Low external input and sustainable agriculture (LEISA) India has come up with a collection of  alternative ways of combating desertification in the fragile region of the country in its recent issue. The articles are success stories of such intiatives by farmers and NGOs. 

Effect of drinking arsenic-contaminated water in children- Article in Indian Journal of Public Health
This paper in Indian Journal of Public Health sheds light on the specific impact of arsenic on health of children based on the review of literature on the subject. Posted on 09 Jan, 2013 10:44 PM

This paper in Indian Journal of Public Health sheds light on the specific impact of arsenic on health of children based on the review of literature on the subject. The effects of chronic arsenic toxicity under the following aspects:

  • Psychological
  • Skin abnormalities
  • Lung diseases
  • Defect in intellectual function
  • Genetic issues

Moving from local Government provision to private sector participation: Reforming water supply in Mumbai, Maharashtra
Urban infrastructure is poised for some major changes in the country with the current trends of rising levels of urbanisation. Posted on 09 Jan, 2013 08:23 PM

Urban infrastructure is poised for some major changes in the country with the current trends of rising levels of urbanisation. However, both Urban Local Bodies (UBL) and water utilities are not fully prepared to meet with the challenge due to their dependence on old governance structures based on public management.

Sand mining – An unexamined threat to water security
Sand is a resource whose economic value belies the crucial role it plays in our lives. The process of development in India has so far not taken into account the environmental and social consequences of indiscriminate sand mining. Posted on 09 Jan, 2013 08:12 PM

Sand is a resource whose economic value belies the crucial role it plays in our lives. The process of development in India has so far not taken into account the environmental and social consequences of indiscriminate sand mining.

Transformation of a landscape from a desert to replenished watershed in Kaluchi Thakarwadi, Maharashtra- Special edition on "Combating desertification" by Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA) India
The sprawling economic development and constant consumption of land resources in an unsustainable manner has come with a big price- degradation of land. The major causes for this can be attributed to industrial pollution, over grazing by animals, deforestation and careless management of forests and it rich and diverse resources and excessive mining. The impact is severe on ecologically fragile and dryland areas which often drives small farmers out from agriculture. Posted on 08 Jan, 2013 09:21 PM

Punjab chief minister objects to draft national water policy - Roundup of the week's news (December 31 – January 6, 2013)
Punjab chief minister objects to draft national water policy - Roundup of the week's news (December 31 – January 6, 2013) Posted on 08 Jan, 2013 08:03 AM

Objection raised to National water Policy

An analysis of 2011 census data on household amenities with respect to drinking water sources and latrine facilities in urban areas of the country- A document by CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development
An analysis of 2011 census data on household amenities with respect to drinking water sources and latrine facilities in urban areas of the country- A document by CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development Posted on 04 Jan, 2013 07:27 PM

This document by Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation , Ministry of Urban Development, is an analysis of 2011 census data on of the drinking water and latrine facilities in urban areas of the country.
