Jobs and other Opportunities

Call for Proposals in the area of Geosciences/Seismicity - Ministry of Earth Sciences
Posted on 31 Jan, 2011 04:04 PM

Ministry of Earth Sciences, the nodal agency for promotion of Earth Sciences related studies in the country, plans to launch i) a major programme in Andaman & Nicobar Island to understand the geodynamics of the region and ii) to develop damage scenarios for various Urban centers that lie in the vicinity of Himalaya.

  • Proposals are solicited from scientists/academicians working in relevant areas at different institutions in the country.  Proposals may be submitted to address any of the following issues:
    1. Crustal structure studies: delineation of deep structures by seismological (including ocean bottom seismometer), seismic, heat flow and gravity methods, and surface or shallow subsurface structures using GPR, shallow seismic, resistivity, geological methods, etc.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Borlaug Fellowship Program in India
Posted on 31 Jan, 2011 02:02 PM

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is pleased to announce the 2011 Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program (Borlaug Fellowship Program) for India. The Borlaug Fellowship Program promotes food security and economic growth by increasing scientific knowledge and collaborative research to improve agricultural productivity. The Program offers training and collaborative opportunities in agricultural research, international agricultural economics, leadership and policy to Indian researchers. Competitively selected fellows will work one-on-one with a U.S. mentor who will coordinate the Fellow’s training. After completion of the 6-12 week fellowship, the mentor will visit the fellow’s home institution for up to 10 days to continue collaboration on the research topic. The USDA will select U.S. host institutions and mentors for each Fellow. The 2011 Borlaug Fellowship Program is administered by the United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS).

Targeted Research Areas:

  • Food Security and Nutrition
    1. Advancing agricultural production through biotechnology
    2. Technical and policy research and development
Volunteering opportunity in a wetlands project near Hampi
Posted on 24 Jan, 2011 06:41 PM

This pond and wetland is the first stage of creating a wildlife field station and research center for WildlifeSOS in Ramdurga Valley.

The wetland will be both for habitat and as a safe water source for wildlife. Concurrent with the construction of the wetland will be the design process for the field station and site. Volunteers will assist in both these processes with the primary task of completing construction of the wetlands. Long afternoon breaks and evening's slow relaxation will be time for learning, discussions and wandering conversations. Areas of discussion may include: Permaculture basics (principles, flows, patterns, zonation), site analysis, water, soil, plants and cropping, animals systems, appropriate technology, invisible structures (economic, cultural and social systems), design and local to global sustainability.

Arghyam is looking for a Communications Officer, Bangalore
Posted on 24 Jan, 2011 05:39 PM

ArghyamTerms of Reference for Communications Officer

  1. Title: Communications Officer
  2. Organization: Arghyam
  3. Duration: This is a full-time position
  4. Place of Work: Bangalore ( non-negotiable)
  5. Travel: This position would require some local and national travel
  6. Deadline for Applications: 15th February 2011
  7. Interview Schedule: 20th February 2011 to 15th March, 2011
  8. Expected Joining Date: 1st April 2011
  9. Salary Range: Competitive depending on experience and ability
R&D Programme of Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR)
Posted on 24 Jan, 2011 03:32 PM

Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) provides financial assistance to promote research work in the field of Water Resources Engineering. The assistance is provided by way of grants to academicians/experts in the Universities, IITs, recognised R&D laboratories, Water Resources / Irrigation departments of the Central and State Governments and NGOs. Research proposals of applied nature as well as basic research are considered for MoWR support.

Considering wide range of topics covered by Water Resources Engineers, five committees called Indian National Committees (INCs) have been constituted to co-ordinate the R&D programme. The five INCs are:

INC for Hydraulics Research (INCH)

  • Management of Floods
  • Hydraulic Structures (including masonry and concrete structures)
Short Term Course on Principles and Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing, IISC
Posted on 24 Jan, 2011 12:02 PM

Course Overview:

Remote sensing, geographic information system (GIS) and global positioning system (GPS) provides extremely useful tools for environmental and natural resources management. They are widely recognized as supporting tools for the planning, monitoring, and management of the appropriate utilization of resources at the country, regional and global levels.

Internet Course on Environmental Management, IISC
Posted on 24 Jan, 2011 11:31 AM

Course Content:

This course provides an overview of the key concepts and principles in environmental management, areas of global and national environmental concern, and strategies and tools for effective environmental management. Attempt to understand the genesis of environmental problems; the concerns that lead to various international and national initiatives to tackle them have been made in this course. Various tools, which can be used to address environmental problems and the role that the professionals can play in managing environment in their respective areas would be discussed.

  1. Principles of Environmental Management
  2. Principles of Ecology, Environment & Environmental Management.
  3. Policies and Legal Aspect of Environmental Management
Implementing Vessel Monitoring System in India
Posted on 22 Jan, 2011 03:19 PM

Implementing Vessel Monitoring System in India 


TH!NK5:Water Competition has been officially launched!
Posted on 21 Jan, 2011 06:59 PM

Forwarded to the portal by: Hanna McLean

Video Editor needed for 2-3 month project at Digital Empowerment Foundation
Posted on 21 Jan, 2011 06:42 PM

Forwarded to the portal by - Mahima Kaul

The Digital Empowerment Foundation is working on a resource portal called the Digital Knowledge Commission (DKC) which will house information, including videos, about rural projects that use Information & Communication Technologies. For this, we need an in-house editor who can use FCP and is very good (read: efficient) but most of all, has an interest in some kind of development work, so that the videos are edited beautifully.
