TH!NK5:Water Competition has been officially launched!

Forwarded to the portal by: Hanna McLean

The TH!NK5:Water competition platform has officially been launched and is now open to receive your entries on water. Grab your laptops and get to blogging! It could be  you who wins the reporting trip to Portugal in the Spring.

For those of you who are more keen on photography, feel free to join TH!NK5's sister competition, CL!CK ABOUT IT, that is also taking place right now. The topic for the CL!CK competition is also "Water" and "Climate Change" and gives you a chance to win the reporting trip to Portugal or a 500 Euro Amazon gift card!

Sign up by filling out the following form and add one post on water issues. Registration will enable you to join the competition and your post will be submitted as your first entry. You will receive your log-in account and more information about the contest early January before the contest starts.

Please keep in mind that if you were a TH!NK 3 or 4 participant then you have automatic access to the TH!NK5 platform. In other words, you do not need to apply for the competition again. You should be able to login to the TH!NK5 platform using your old login information.

Click here for registration form

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Post By: Rama Mani