Information, Education and Communication Campaigns

Earth System: Introduction (Part I) - A presentation by ACWADAM
The four spheres of the earth system are so closely connected that a change in one sphere often results in a change in one or more of the other spheres. Posted on 19 Sep, 2010 07:00 PM

The presentation by ACWADAM on earth system deals with the four elements that make up this system. Earth science generally recognizes four spheres, the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere; these correspond to rocks, water, air, and life. These four interdependent parts or the earth's spheres are described as:

  • the lithosphere, which contains all of the cold, hard, solid rock of the planet's crust (surface), the hot semi-solid rock that lies underneath the crust, the hot liquid rock near the center of the planet, and the solid iron core (center) of the planet
  • the hydrosphere, which contains all of the planet's solid, liquid, and gaseous water,
  • the atmosphere, which contains all of the planet's air, and
  • the biosphere, which contains all of the planet's living organisms.

Hydrologic properties of rocks – A presentation by ACWADAM
The understanding of storage, transmission of water within the ground is essential to watershed programmes Posted on 19 Sep, 2010 06:22 PM

This presentation by ACWADAM deals with hydrologic properties of the rock framework in which groundwater occurs and through which it moves. In watershed programmes, it is necessary to develop a correct understanding of the storage and transmission of water within such channels because the shape of openings in a rock or sediment, their size, volume and interconnection play a vital part in the hydraulic characteristics of an aquifer.

Groundwater management protocols and pilot experiences – A presentation by ACWADAM
An understanding of identification of recharge area, its protection and recharge enhancement Posted on 19 Sep, 2010 05:09 PM

This presentation by ACWADAM deals with introducing groundwater management protocols for wells in different phases of groundwater use. These protocols include geo-hydrology in watershed development, protection of recharge areas, efficient well use, pump capacity regulation, distance with respect to drinking water well regulation, depth regulation in drinking water well, regulation of agricultural water use and groundwater management through sharing.

ECO Sanitation - A beneficial toilet
Not polluting the groundwater or soil - eco-sanitation Posted on 13 Sep, 2010 12:27 AM

A brochure from Utthan about Eco-sanitation produced with support from Arghyam.

Eco Sanitation

View more documents from India Water Portal.
Vertical distribution of groundwater – A presentation by ACWADAM
What is the vertical distribution of groundwater? Where is the occurrence of groundwater? Hydrogeology explained Posted on 12 Sep, 2010 01:22 PM

This presentation by ACWADAM explains the occurrence of groundwater and deals with the vertical distribution of groundwater. To begin with, the openings in rocks in the zone of rock fracture such as intergranular openings, vesicles in volcanic rock, joints & fractures and solution cavities are described.

Why study weather – A presentation by ACWADAM
Weather shapes the earth. It is essential to understand this for proper implementation of watershed projects Posted on 12 Sep, 2010 11:03 AM

This presentation by ACWADAM deals with weather, the most fundamental process that shapes the earth. Meteorology, the science of studying weather, is described where some predictions can be made using atmospheric conditions or some data can be generated using simple equipments. These can in turn be used for measurement of weather for better implementation of a watershed project.

Type of rocks – A presentation by ACWADAM
Understanding the three basic types of rocks that are found in nature – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic is essential for better management of water Posted on 11 Sep, 2010 08:07 PM

This presentation by ACWADAM deals with the three basic types of rocks that are found in nature – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Rocks are classified on the basis of minerals & chemical composition, by texture and by the processes that formed them.

Seeds of Hope – Forestry - A Lokayan and Planning Commission study
Experiences and stories on agriculture, biodiversity, education, forestry, governance, health, movements and water Posted on 10 Sep, 2010 11:50 PM

This set of case studies is a part of a book prepared by Lokayan in collaboration with the Planning Commission titled “Seeds of Hope", covering themes of agriculture, biodiversity, education, forestry, governance, health, movements and water. The case studies related to forestry are summarized below:

International conference on environment audit - Concerns about water pollution - CAG (2010)
A conference to deliberate on the causes of pollution, governmental action, societal role and responsibility and management of sustainable water systems Posted on 10 Sep, 2010 05:15 PM

CAGThis link on the CAG website provides the details of an international conference that was held on 15-16 March 2010, in the backdrop of the environmental audit proposed by the the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India, for management and conservation of the environment .

The purpose of this conference was to deliberate on the causes of pollution, action taken by governments and civil society to address this and environmental, management and legal interventions needed to put lakes, rivers and ground water on the path of sustainability.

More than 20 experts on water and water pollution issues were invited to share their views as panelists during the conference. Apart from these distinguished panelists, the heads of supreme audit institutions from countries like Austria, Maldives, Bangladesh and Bhutan were also present to share their experiences regarding audit of water pollution in their countries.

Allocation of water charges for multi-housing communities in India: Sub-metering and ratio utility billing system (RUBS)
A deliberate competition insinuates among water users as the demand for water increases along with its overuse. All key lies in allocation, reuse and recharge. Posted on 10 Sep, 2010 01:35 PM

 One of the most serious issues of water management is the question how to allocate the water resources to guarantee sufficient amount of water for all demands. That is why, it can be expected that allocation management will gain further importance in the future. It is not exaggerated to declare that “the issue of allocation overshadows all other aspects of water management”.