This presentation by ACWADAM deals with weather, the most fundamental process that shapes the earth. Meteorology, the science of studying weather, is described where some predictions can be made using atmospheric conditions or some data can be generated using simple equipments. These can in turn be used for measurement of weather for better implementation of a watershed project.
Measurement of rainfall gives a clear idea about excess or deficit of rainfall and is useful for calculating surface runoff, infiltration and recharge and, also for planning the next crop using soil moisture content as an indicator. In a watershed, to get an idea about the water balance, correct knowledge of total rainfall received over certain area is important. Rainfall is measured using rain gauges and is expressed in mm or inches of rainfall over the area.
The presentation suggests the need for weather measurement at local level (watershed scale) for assessment of impact of watershed projects. The differences in weather are significant within small distances, so there is a great need to have accurate data for a specific area of interest. At government level, rainfall and evaporation data is available at taluka headquarter, which may not represent the actual value at the field. Therefore such data if generated locally may prove useful for watershed planning and development of the area.
This presentation is part of the training modules on planning, development and management of groundwater with special reference to watershed management programmes by ACWADAM. Please write to ACWADAM at for sourcing these presentations.