Books and Book Reviews

Safe and sustainable clean water access - case studies by Whitman Direct Action examining the obstacles to water development in India
The book features a collection of case studies and essays contributed by NGOs working on clean water development projects in India Posted on 21 May, 2009 12:01 PM

This Whitman Direct Action water book examines the socio-political and technological obstacles to water development in India and has become a transparent resource for other NGOs, the government sector, academics, and interested individuals to glean the expertise of their contemporaries in the fields of water development and water purification technology.

Rethinking the approach to groundwater and food security to understanding the dynamics of groundwater resources- by Food and Agriculture Organization (2003)
Complex flow within aquifers require relatively simple data for careful analysis and interpretation of groundwater dynamics Posted on 20 May, 2009 10:37 AM

This chapter from the book 'Rethinking the approach to groundwater and food security' by

To adapt or not to adapt - the dilemma between long term resource management and short term livelihoods
The chapter explores the multifaceted social, physical, cultural, policy and economic dimensions of declining groundwater by studying farmer's response to drought in three districts of Gujarat Posted on 20 May, 2009 10:15 AM

This chapter from the book 'The Agricultural Groundwater Revolution: opportunities a

Upgrading water treatment plants - by World Health Organisation
The book provides a practical guide to improve the performance of water treatment plants Posted on 12 May, 2009 05:59 PM

The principles and ideas presented have been shown to be effective in increasing the capacity of water, and are based on extensive experience in upgrading a variety of treatment plants throughout the world. The procedures proposed apply not only to the optimization of existing treatment plants but also to the design of new ones.

Safe piped water: managing microbial water quality in piped distribution systems - A WHO publication
The book addresses factors affecting the presence and growth of micro-organisms in piped networks as well as practice of water supply organisations that can directly or indirectly influence them Posted on 12 May, 2009 05:47 PM

Microorganisms occur in piped distributions from source water, through contamination during distributions and because of growth. Different organisms may cause a range of adverse health effects. Effective management varies with the organisms and their origin.

Urban water and sanitation services: an IWRM approach – a booklet from TEC education series from Global Water Partnership
The report presents urban management tools which are automatically compatible with efficiency, equity and environmental sustainability objectives of integrated water resource management (IWRM) Posted on 12 May, 2009 05:10 PM

This series, published by the GWP Secretariat in Stockholm has been created to disseminate the papers written and commissioned by the TEC to address the conceptual agenda. Issues and sub-issues with them, such as the understanding and definition of IWRM, water for food security, public-private partnerships, and water as an economic good have been addressed in these papers.

Waternama - a collection of traditional practices of water conservation and harvesting in Karnataka
The book produced by Communication for Development and Learning details traditional practices for water conservation and management in Karnataka Posted on 08 May, 2009 05:16 PM

Waternama is a collection of traditional practices for water conservation and management in Karnataka. The book is produced by Communication for Development and Learning and edited by Sandhya Iyengar.
View/download the full book (29.2 MB)

Sustainable agriculture: A pathway out of poverty for India's rural poor by sustainable agriculture information network (Sustainet)
The book outlines ways to directly contribute to United Nations' Millennium Development Goals through sustainable development Posted on 07 May, 2009 12:25 PM

The Sustainet project of the German Council for Sustainable Development produced the book "Sustainable Agriculture: A pathway out of poverty for India's rural poor" with examples of sustainable agricultural approaches. This book attempts to bring back sustainable agriculture into the development agenda.

System of rice intensification (SRI): a training booklet from WASSAN
WASSAN have created a training booklet covering all aspects of SRI (system of rice intensification) including details of the farming practice Posted on 02 May, 2009 11:29 AM

System of rice intensification (SRI) is a improved method of rice cultivation that was developed in 1983 in Madagascar and has now spread to many parts of the world. There is a notion that what has been done in research plots and by scientists is modern and desirable.

Bookshelf: Water, Ecosystems & Society - A Confluence of Disciplines by Jayanta Bandyopadhay
Water, Ecosystems and Society is an excellent guide to interdisciplinary knowledge on water. Posted on 13 Mar, 2009 10:48 AM

Author: Jayanta Bandyopadhay, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta Published: April 2009 Pages : 212 Imprint : SAGE India Water, Ecosystems and Society is an excellent guide to interdisciplinary knowledge on water. It draws attention to ecological benefits of floods, economic productivity of water systems and the feasibility of the proposed river-link project of India. It focuses on the need to recognise ecosystem services provided by rivers as well as the necessity of environmental flows in such a system. The book deals with emerging areas of research, by connecting ecology, economics and water management. It will be a compelling read for academicians and students working in the fields of geography and environment science, development economics, environmental sociology, ecology, integrated water management and so on.
