DEWATS Newsletter: Volume 1|Issue 5|December 2008
Posted on 27 Dec, 2008 10:13 AMThe DEWATS Newsletter, published bi-monthly by BORDA in Bremen, constitutes a compilation of links to articles about dewats and sanitation from the BNS N
Source South Asia: Issue 13 (15 Dec 08)
Posted on 22 Dec, 2008 08:45 AMSince its foundation in 1968, the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) has facilitated the sharing, promotion and use of knowledge so that governments, professionals and organisations can better suppo
Source South Asia, Issue 12 (03 Dec 08)
Posted on 09 Dec, 2008 06:14 AMSince its foundation in 1968, the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) has facilitated the sharing, promotion and use of knowledge so that governments, professionals and organisations can better supp
Himalayan glaciers 'decapitated' ? Alarming climate change news
Posted on 27 Nov, 2008 11:17 AMA 'major new study' brings alarming news that the Himalayan glaciers are melting at a faster rate than earlier estimated. A study of the Naimona'nyi Glacier in Tibet found that "the glacier had melted so much that the exposed surface of the glacier dated to 1944".
Source South Asia 2008, Issue 11 (11 Nov 08)
Posted on 16 Nov, 2008 03:51 AMSince its foundation in 1968, the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) has facilitated the sharing, promotion and use of knowledge so that governments, professionals and organisations can better suppor
The Buddha's middle path? - News on water use consensus from Bolivia
Posted on 08 Nov, 2008 10:52 AMLaw, Social Justice & Global Development Journal: Special Issue on Water
Posted on 02 Nov, 2008 09:50 PMThe widening parameters of the debate are prompted by social movements for water-justice on the one hand and the intractable nature of problems entailed in water justice on the other.
Source South Asia 2008:Issue 10 (29 Oct 08)
Posted on 02 Nov, 2008 09:09 PMSince its foundation in 1968, the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) has facilitated the sharing, promotion and use of knowledge so that governments, professionals and organisations can better supp
UNESCO Publishes First World Map of Underground Transboundary Aquifers
Posted on 02 Nov, 2008 11:29 AMForwarded to the Portal by: Anuradha The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will publish the first-ever world map of underground aquifers, which account for some 96 per cent of global freshwater resources, the agency announced in a press release today. Despite their strategic importance, no global inventory of aquifers , most of which straddle international boundaries , had been compiled before UNESCO started work on its online map, which will be launched to coincide with the submission to the General Assembly of a draft Convention on Transboundary Aquifers next week. The UNESCO is presenting a detailed map identifying underground water resources that are shared by at least two countries, using data compiled since 2000 by UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme for a groundwater database. The map will include information about the quality of water and rate of replenishment of the 273 transboundary aquifers , 68 in the American continent, 38 in Africa, 65 in Eastern Europe, 90 in Western Europe and 12 in Asia.
5th World Water Forum Newsletter for the period October 2008 No:3
Posted on 22 Oct, 2008 07:42 AMThe 5th World Water Forum Newsletter for the period October 2008 No:3 is out. The newsletter has information on the Istanbul Water Consensus, about the United Cities & Local Governments and on the initiative of few world cities to be developed as water champions!