
Call for Participation-Ecosystems for Life Media Fellowship, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), July-December 2013
An initiative to create a knowledge hub that will facilitate developing a shared vision in both India and Bangladesh, for effective governance of trans-boundary ecosystems
Posted on 04 Jun, 2013 04:11 PM

Ecosystems for life

Offered by 

Offer of grant progamme for journalists - The Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation Programme (HICAP)
The HICAP grant programme seeks to encourage journalists from the Hindu Kush Himalayan region to report on climate change across the five sub-basins
Posted on 29 May, 2013 09:20 AM


Organiser details

Call for participation- Digital Photo Contest on 'Water and Life', ICIMOD , June 5, 2013
A photo contest on the theme of ‘Water and Life' celebrates ICIMOD's 30th anniversary. It also coincides with the United Nation’s International Year of Water Cooperation 2013.
Posted on 12 May, 2013 11:56 AM

Job opportunities with Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination (CDD) Society
CDD Society requires staff for its office and Centre for Advanced Sanitation Solutions (CASS) in Bangalore
Posted on 27 Apr, 2013 10:43 AM

International Rivers invites applications for Co-Director - South Asia Program
International Rivers is looking for an experienced, skilled, dynamic Co-Director of their South Asia Program.
Posted on 26 Apr, 2013 04:29 PM

SANDEE calls for research concept notes on the economics of natural resource use and environmental change in South Asia
SANDEE's focus is on environmental management, and is asking for proposals that include a strong economics component
Posted on 30 Mar, 2013 12:46 PM


Traditional household water purification methods practised by rural communities in developing countries - A compilation by the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems
What are the different ways through which water can be purified before it can be consumed? Read on to know more about the traditional and household water purification methods practised by rural communities in developing countries. Posted on 19 Mar, 2013 09:15 PM

This article published in the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems includes a collation of traditional household water purification methods practised by rural communities in developing countries.

Water in movies: Exploring the role of water in mainstream media and popular culture
This article by Priya Desai deals with how water has been treated in many ways in film - as a theme, as an issue or simply as a beautiful backdrop for a great story. Posted on 11 Mar, 2013 03:20 PM

From the serious to the absurd, water has featured across a breadth of movies, both in Hollywood and Bollywood.

Changing climate, changing lives - A film on the impact of climate change on agriculture in Dhulikhel, Nepal
This video echoes the voices of people experiencing the brunt of climate change in the Nepal Himalayas. Posted on 09 Mar, 2013 12:38 PM

The story of climate change has been hijacked by snow and ice.

A primer on biomimicry: Nature inspired innovations in buildings & processes for a sustainable living
Biomimicry is a science that studies nature’s models, takes inspiration from them and shapes designs and processes that help reduce source depletion. Posted on 03 Mar, 2013 11:30 AM

Learning from nature, a master craftsmen, that has been evolving for millions of years, we can create efficient, living buildings, learn to use sunlight and recycle energy, reduce pollution and be in tune with our environment!
