Offer of grant progamme for journalists - The Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation Programme (HICAP)


Organiser details

The Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation Programme (HICAP)

About the grant programme

An initiative to offer a  limited number of grants to support professional journalists in reporting investigative stories on climate-related environmental issues, with special regard to adaptation measures.

Eligibility criteria

The journalists who apply can be 

  • From all media outlets – print, radio, television, and online.
  • Of all nationalities -however, grants will be preferentially allocated to reporters from countries associated with the project (including China, India, Nepal, and Pakistan).
  • Working in non-English media, but must indicate a proficiency in English, as English is the working language of the programme

Guidelines for application

Applicant to send the following

  • A clear and concise description of intended project 
  • An updated Curriculum Vitae 
  • A list of up to 10 relevant stories on climate change (including title, year, weblink to stories)
  • A signed and stamped letter from editor of a reputable publishing or broadcast agency indicating an interest in broadcasting the project story
  • Specifics of project duration 
  • A detailed breakdown of the proposed budget 
  • Plans for self-financing, including the availability of funds

Contact details

Send in your applications to

For more infromation please click here

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