West Bengal

Formulating action plan for removal of arsenic contamination in West Bengal - Planning Commission Task Force report
This report of the Task Force appointed by the Planning Commission presents an action plan for removal of arsenic contamination in West Bengal. Posted on 12 May, 2010 11:49 AM

The report of the Task Force appointed by the Planning Commission presents an action plan for removal of arsenic contamination in West Bengal. It looks at the extent of the problem, its intake sources, technologies available and the operation and maintenance (O&M) issues.

It outlines the diverse technologies based on various scientific principles, assesses them based on their scale of operation (domestic or community) on techno-economic considerations & infrastructure required and provides suggestions. Short, medium and long term measures are outlined for tackling the problem of arsenic contamination in drinking water supply in the state.

Implementation of National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in West Bengal: A field report by the Right to Food Campaign
This report from the Right to Food Campaign traces the implementation of NREGS in West Bengal and points to the failure of the State in guaranteeing basic entitlements. Posted on 13 Apr, 2010 12:48 PM

This report from the Right to Food Campaign traces the implementation of National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) in West Bengal and points to the failure of the State in guaranteeing basic entitlements. It asserts that West Bengal is way behind other States, in implementation of this scheme, as per the data on NREGS website.

Senior WASH Programme Manager (Civil engineer) based in Kolkata
Posted on 03 Mar, 2010 05:38 PM

Terre de hommes Foundation, an international NGO working for the rights of children in 34 countries, is currently seeking a Senior WASH Programme Manager (Civil engineer) The India Delegation office is situated in Kolkata. All projects implemented in India are through local NGO partners.

Food Distribution in Aila Affected K-plot
An article on the devastating effect of cyclone Aila on the tiny island of K-plot, in the Bay of Bengal and the relief work undertaken. Posted on 22 Feb, 2010 10:39 AM

Food Distribution in K-Plot on Feb 17th

In face of the dire situation in Aila Affected areas, AID EB approved Rs. 1,50,000 for distribution of food in the remote island of K-plot and Nagenabad area of Moipith island. AID has been working with Baikanthapur Tarun Sangh (BTS) since Aila, on relief/rehabilitation and the revival of agriculture in the area.

Near-Famine Conditions in Aila Affected K-plot in Sundarbans
A first hand account of regions in the Bay of Bengal, devastated by the cyclone Aila Posted on 17 Feb, 2010 10:17 AM

Guest post by Somnath Mukherji


Terre de hommes Foundation is seeking a Senior WASH Project Manager cum Engineer
Posted on 15 Jan, 2010 06:51 PM

 Terre de hommes Foundation, an international NGO working for the rights of children in more than 30 countries, is currently seeking a Senior WASH Project Manager cum Engineer.

Farmers in Purulia village learn to weld RTI power
A website to log the RTI success stories of Purulia villagers to gain information about the workings of government agencies in matters that directly affect their daily lives Posted on 12 Jan, 2010 03:41 PM


A green experiment: Life after Aila cyclone
Implementation of sustainable agriculture methods in disaster situations Posted on 12 Jan, 2010 10:55 AM


Interim Report on organic farming initiatives in AILA affected areas
A report on the after effects of the cyclone Aila and how organic farming has helped reclaim saline affected land Posted on 28 Dec, 2009 06:19 PM

Cyclone Aila hit the coasts of Bengal on May 25th displacing millions from their homes and livelihoods in the Sundarbans. AID responded immediately working with Baikanthapur Tarun Sangh (BTS), Mukti and Rights & Equity for All (REFA). Relief & Rehab efforts reached out to 150,000 people in 7 blocks of 2 districts in West Bengal.
Aila 1

        Aila 2
