
Geomorphological and land use planning for Danda watershed - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study attempts to quantify geomorphological characteristics and derive landuse information using remote sensing digital data for the Danda watershed in the Tehri-Garhwal district. Posted on 24 Jun, 2010 11:13 PM

The study attempts to quantify geomorphological characteristics, generate various thematic databases in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) format and derive landuse information using remote sensing digital data for the Danda watershed in the Tehri-Garhwal district of Uttarakhand. Based on these it develops a land capability classification and generates alternate land use plan.

An integrated approach is followed wherein remote sensing and Geographical Information systems (GIS) techniques have been utilized for evaluation of the catchment characteristics such as geomorphology, landuse, soil and slope. The linking of the geomorphological parameters with the hydrological characteristics of the basin provides a simple way to understand the hydrologic behavior of the basin.

Water quality of district Haridwar - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study attempts to determine the water quality of all available sources of water be it surface, ground or waste water and find out the sources of pollution for the Haridwar district of Uttarakhand. Posted on 22 Jun, 2010 08:11 AM

The study attempts to determine the water quality of all available sources of water be it surface, ground or waste water and find out the likely sources of pollution for the Hardwar district of Uttar Pradesh. The physico-chemical parameters of the water were determined. The effect of monsoon on the water quality was studied by collecting and analyzing the pre and post monsoon samples.

Adsorption of zinc in bed sediments of river Ganga - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study attempts to determine the adsorption characteristics of bed sediments of rivers for the control of metal pollution in River Ganga at Haridwar. Posted on 22 Jun, 2010 08:10 AM

The study attempts to determine the adsorption characteristics of bed sediments of rivers for the control of metal pollution. In particular, it looks at adsorption of zinc ions on bed sediments for the river Ganga at Hardwar. In the natural conditions of river water, suspended loads and sediments have an important function of buffering higher metal concentrations of water, particularly by adsorption or precipitation. 

A hydrological study of Lake Nainital – A research report by the National Institute of Hydrology
The hydrological study develops a water balance of the Lake Nainital to facilitate the utilization of its water in a planned and systematic manner. Posted on 22 Jun, 2010 08:06 AM

The hydrological study develops a water balance of the Lake Nainital to facilitate the utilization of its water in a planned and systematic manner. The lack of knowledge of input and output parameters such as subsurface inflow, use of lake water for domestic and industrial purposes, evaporation loss and leakage from lake including the outflow through sluice gates had created uncertainty in determining the availability of water in the lake. The study attempts to understand the behavior of the input and output parameters in detail by using both conventional and isotopic techniques.

The lake meets the local drinking and domestic water needs and is for the most part fed by rainfall during monsoon and by inflow from perennial springs and subsurface inflow during the non-monsoon season.

Climate Himalaya Initiative, Roorkee
Posted on 28 Apr, 2010 09:11 AM

Climate Himalaya Initiative Logo

Organizer: Climate Himalaya Initiative

Venue: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee-IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India


Ganga pollution unabated in Haridwar- Study by PSI
Water quality deteriorates as discharge and effluents continuously pour into the Ganga at Haridwar Posted on 21 Jan, 2010 04:39 PM

A recent study monitoring water quality of river Ganga in Hardwar shows that it does not meet the standards for outdoor bathing set by the Central Pollution Control Board. This is primarily due to the continuing discharge of untreated wastewater and effluents from various drains directly into the river. The outfall from the sewage treatment plant (STP) at Jagjeetpur alone releases about 129 million litres daily (MLD) into the Ganga with a fecal coliform concentration of about 34 million/100ml!

Scientists from People’s Science Institute (PSI) took samples from 10 drains falling into river Ganga at different locations in Hardwar on January 2nd and 3rd, 2010 along with samples of the river water at 3 locations.

Environmental Public Hearing of the proposed Devsari HEP, on River Pinder, disrupted by angry villagers
Information on the public environmental hearing in Devsari Posted on 03 Nov, 2009 01:19 PM

Public Hearing not Performed in Devsari HEP

{for pics see matujan.blogspot.com}
FIR filed against 11 people by name (Vimalbhai, Gabbarsingh etc.) under IPC. 148,332,427,436,504
Agitation is continue in Deval

On 13th October, 2009 the Environmental Public Hearing (PH) of the proposed Devsari HEP (252 MW) on river Pinder, one of the main tributary of Alaknanda River, District Chamoli, Uttarakhand was organised by Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board amidst growing opposition to the Project from the local vilagers. Satluj Jal Vidhut Co. Ltd., a joint venture of Central Govt. and Himachal State is the project proponent.

National Institute of technology,Rourkela looking for a speaker
Posted on 29 Oct, 2009 03:42 PM

Looking for a speaker who has initiated Water conservation,Rain water Harvesting etc for the Seminar we are hosting on December 20 ,at Hotel Swoosti Premium,Bhubaneswar,Orissa.


Bijoy K Das,

President - NITRAAB

National Institute of technology,Rourkela at Bhubaneswar

Contact - bijoydash@sify.com

Request for survey and estimate for water supply system in village in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand
Posted on 26 Sep, 2009 12:02 PM

The following request was recieved by India Water Portal:


Sisyphean labours - Domestic water supply in the central-western Himalayas
A paper that informs that domestic water supply, mistakenly referred to as drinking water supply, is a state subject under the Indian constitution. Posted on 11 Sep, 2009 01:11 PM

This paper by the People's Science Institute informs that domestic water supply, mistakenly referred to as drinking water supply, is a state subject under the Indian constitution. However, policies and programmes are ususally set within a national framework as a part of the national five year plans. Domestic water supply programme performance in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand have followed national trends.
