Geomorphological and land use planning for Danda watershed - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The study attempts to quantify geomorphological characteristics, generate various thematic databases in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) format and derive landuse information using remote sensing digital data for the Danda watershed in the Tehri-Garhwal district of Uttarakhand. Based on these it develops a land capability classification and generates alternate land use plan.

An integrated approach is followed wherein remote sensing and Geographical Information systems (GIS) techniques have been utilized for evaluation of the catchment characteristics such as geomorphology, landuse, soil and slope. The linking of the geomorphological parameters with the hydrological characteristics of the basin provides a simple way to understand the hydrologic behavior of the basin.

The various thematic maps generated under the study were overlaid using GIS to arrive at an action plan indicating a set of suggested landuse activities for sustainable development of the area. The database chiefly derived from remote sensing on natural resources such as present landuse, land capability, slope, soils and hydrogeomorphology were organized in different layers using Integrated Land and Water Information Systems (ILWIS) software.

An integrated layer of Composite Land Development Units (CLDU) was created by intersecting the resource layers. A set of decision rules were applied on the CLDUs to generate the action plan map, showing location specific recommendations for the watershed. 

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Post By: rajshekar