Tamil Nadu

Training on implementation of rain water harvesting projects, WASH, Kodaikanal
Posted on 02 Feb, 2010 02:26 PM

WASHThe training modules is available for the above program, besides they are also suitably modified based on the requests and needs of the organisation and department.

School Sanitation and Hygiene Education [SSHE] , WASH, Kodaikanal
Posted on 21 Jan, 2010 04:01 PM

WASHThe training modules is available for the above program, besides they are also suitably modified based on the requests and needs of the organisation and department.

Training on ecological sanitation , WASH, Kodaikanal
Posted on 21 Jan, 2010 03:32 PM

WASHThe training modules is available for the above program, besides they are also suitably modified based on the requests and needs of the organisation and department.

Tips on sustainable use of ground water for Chennai residents
Residents of Chennai need to look for self-reliant measures on water use, write Sekhar Raghavan & Indukanth Ragade Posted on 18 Jan, 2010 02:18 PM

The water position in Chennai has been satisfactory for several years now because of a couple of good monsoons, good supply from Andhra Pradesh and from the Veeranam Lake. The rainwater harvesting systems installed by many citizens have also helped in improving ground water levels. However, citizens should not presume that their water problems are solved for the following reasons;

Chennai’s water needs are mainly met by impounding the rainwater from the Araniar-Kortalayar rivers north of the city and the capacity of the reservoirs is woefully inadequate. It has been estimated that an entire year’s supply flows wastefully into the sea consequently. The quantum of supply from AP and the Veeranam Lake is uncertain.

A green experiment: Life after Aila cyclone
Implementation of sustainable agriculture methods in disaster situations Posted on 12 Jan, 2010 10:55 AM


Mulla Periyar dam: Safety aspects to save farmers of Tamil Nadu and Kerala
A review of the Mulla Periayr dam Posted on 09 Jan, 2010 01:17 AM


Prof.T.Shivaji Rao,

Empowerment through action:The story of Anna Lakshmi
An article on one woman's experiences of empowerment in rural Tamil Nadu through participation in a Self-Help Group working on water and sanitation with support from an NGO called Gramalaya. Posted on 08 Jan, 2010 01:39 AM

This article shows how women are catalysts for advocating widespread improved sanitation and – at the same time – reap substantial benefits in a program promoted by an NGO called Gandhigram Trust. The empowerment of women and marginalized populations is a vital step in realizing gender equality – equal access, planning, and management – for water and sanitation.

Village of tomorrow, village of today - Sanitation justice in Tamil Nadu:A photo essay
A photo essay on how "a rural village in South India realizes, day-by-day, the necessity of appropriate hygiene and improved sanitation for the good health of all people and the dignity of women." Posted on 06 Jan, 2010 02:28 AM
A village in Tamil Nadu realises the necessity of hygiene and sanitation for health and dignity of women
A rural village in South India realizes, day-by-day, the necessity of appropriate hygiene and improved sanitation for the good health of all people and the dignity of women. Posted on 23 Dec, 2009 03:36 PM

Through a maze of winding, curving roads off a main highway in Tamil Nadu, one must travel to reach the small, agrarian village of Muthampatti.
