School Sanitation and Hygiene Education [SSHE] , WASH, Kodaikanal

WASHThe training modules is available for the above program, besides they are also suitably modified based on the requests and needs of the organisation and department. The cost of travel is to be met by participants or sponsoring agency. The cost quoted is the bare minimum for conducting the training at Kodaikanal. Most of the trainings include field visits. These trainings can also be conducted at the venue of the organisation, like if the organisation arranges all logistics at the own premises or suitable location. In this case only the cost of resource fees travel and materials have to be met.

WASH Institute “Vision”
A world in which all communities have access to safe, protected and sustainable drinking water and sanitation services, and follow improved hygiene practices.

WASH Institute “Mission”

  • Bridge the knowledge gap between the community and service providers through education, training and assistance to stakeholders in areas of planning, implementation, operation and implementation, operation and management of water, sanitation, hygiene and environment on a sustainable basis.
  • Promote appropriate and low cost solutions in water, sanitation, and hygiene based on the action research and field studies carried out by the Institute and its collaborative partners.
  • Advocate effective policies and strategies to address the capacity building needs in water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, with a special focus on poor and vulnerable rural and urban communities, for wider replication.

“Investing in People“

In pursuing our mission we are guided by hospitality, mutual respect, commitment, professionalism and transparency.

Training Methodology

The training approach is by use of Participatory methods. It includes lectures, presentations, case studies, experience sharing, focus group discussions, role plays, flip charts, films, video clips etc. The resource persons from those having rich experiences in the respective field or subject are called as guest lecturers or resource persons, besides the faculty of WASH Institute Resource Team.


The training courses are designed for the Project directors, Program Managers, Project coordinators, Project staff, Team leaders, senior level animators, CBOs and GOs and all the members who take part in Community Development Programs like

  •    Development workers, NGOs and grass root workers
  •    Academicians
  •    Mid-level professionals
  •    Government professionals - especially in water, sanitation, health, education and disaster response sectors
  •    Engineers
  •    Individuals sponsored by organizations or Government
  •    Students wishing to enter the sector
  •    All interested individuals in water, sanitation, hygiene and environment

The organisations or individuals interested in  the training are requested to send in their requests for the application and course brochure mentioning the objectives, details of participants to our email address. We endeavour to make the course as suited to the emerging need as possible.

No. of Participants

The intake is a maximum of 25-30 participants per training. The nominations are accepted on the first come first served basis.

Course Language
It is conducted in English and the local language of the state by use of translations where ever required.

Course fee: Rs 3000/-

The minimum course fee is mentioned. These rates are worked out to make it affordable to individuals who can get trained even without any external support. The rates increase depending on the hotel tariff rates for food and lodging. The resource fees and course fees are very nominal and affordable.

Once the applications are accepted, the applicants are requested to send the registration fees as DD drawn in favour of WASH Institute which is to be sent through regular post and a soft copy of the same by email for early registration at least two weeks before the commencement of the course.

Award of Certificate

The WASH Institute awards a certificate of participation at the end of the training.

Training Needs and Requests can be mailed to:

WASH Institute
"Ashwath Nivas"
5-296, Anandhagiri 7th Street
Kodaikkanal 624 101
Tamil Nadu

Phone: +91 4542 240881
Fax: +91 4542 240882

Event Date
Post By: reena