
Fishing crafts and gear in river Krishna - Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge
This paper documents the commonly used crafts and gears along the entire stretch of the Krishna. Posted on 21 Aug, 2011 10:40 AM

This paper published in the Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge makes an attempt to record the fisheries related indigenous technological knowledge in terms of fishing crafts and gears used in river Krishna.

River basin planning deconstructed
Chicu presents the report of the dialogue on mainstreaming river basin planning, 9th to 11th August, Delhi. Posted on 20 Aug, 2011 08:33 AM

Guest post by: Chicu

Fine-scale responses of phytoplankton to freshwater influx in a tropical monsoonal estuary following the onset of southwest monsoon – A paper in Journal of Earth System Science
The study investigates the effects of freshwater discharge on phytoplankton populations in a tropical monsoon-influenced estuary. Posted on 09 Aug, 2011 09:53 PM

This paper in the Journal of Earth System Science deals with a study by National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa to investigate the influence of monsoonal rainfall on hydrographic conditions in the Mandovi River of India. The study was undertaken at a location approximately 2 km upstream of the mouth of the estuary.

Paleochannel and paleohydrology of Middle Siwalik (Pliocene) fluvial system in Northern India – A paper in Journal of Earth System Science
The study uses paleodrainage data for the reconstruction of paleochannel morphology and paleohydrological attributes of the Pliocene fluvial system. Posted on 09 Aug, 2011 11:41 AM

This paper in Journal of Earth System Science deals with paleochannel and paleohydrology of the Middle Siwalik (Pliocene) fluvial system in Northern India. In recent years, fluvial sedimentologists have carried out numerous studies to estimate quantitative hydrodynamics of ancient fluvial systems, particularly, their morphology and hydrology. The methods for reconstructing the morphology and hydrology employ either several groups of empirical relationships derived from modern fluvial environments or dynamic models of fluvial flow and sediment transports in alluvial reaches.

Uncertainties in downscaled relative humidity for a semi-arid region in India – A paper in Journal of Earth Systems Science
The study investigates the uncertainties in regional scenarios developed for relative humidity due to the choice of emission scenarios. Posted on 05 Aug, 2011 05:42 PM

This paper in Journal of Earth Systems Science deals with uncertainties in downscaled relative humidity for a semi-arid region - Malaprabha basin in India. Researchers and decision-makers who assess the impact of climate change in river basin development, agriculture, hydrology, irrigation management, etc., require future scenarios of relative humidity.

Water quality status of rivers in India – Report of Central Water Commission
These River Water Quality Reports prepared by the Central Water Commission (CWC) summarise the river water data collected under its long term monitoring programme. The Central Water Commission monitors water quality at 371 key locations covering all the major river basins of India by maintaining a three tier laboratory system for analysis of 41 water quality parameters. Posted on 15 Jul, 2011 06:19 PM

The Level-I Laboratories are located at 258 field water quality monitoring stations on various rivers of India where physical parameters such as temperature, colour, odour, specific conductivity, total dissolved solids, pH and dissolved oxygen of river water are observed.

Indus Equation' report by Strategic Foresight Group - Provides clarifications on the water issues between India and Pakistan
Strategic Foresight Group, a political think tank based in Mumbai-India, has released a report called ‘Indus Equation’ that provides clarifications on the water issues between India and Pakistan.The Pakistani media is full of reports claiming India is encroaching on their water supply but a close examination of the facts reveals that the controversy over water is much ado about nothing and easily avoidable. Posted on 13 Jul, 2011 04:38 PM

Release of 'Indus Equation' report

Analysing the role of geomorphic features in Kosi flood – An article in Geospatial World
This article in Geospatial World deals with the analysis of the role of geomorphic features in causing and controlling the Kosi flood. The article in conclusion states that canal is a man-made route for free flowing of water towards down slope. During the Kosi flood in 2008, drainage turned into canals and they worked as embankments along both side of drainages, where drainages are flanked by canals. Thus, canal network checks lateral spreading of flood water and saves life and property in adjacent areas. Posted on 12 Jul, 2011 10:45 AM

Kosi is known as the sorrow of Bihar due to its frequent and often disastrous floods. The major geomorphic units of flood-inundated area in Kosi fan (terrain of Kosi river in India) are sand bars in the form of inter-connected drainage networks, an ox-bow lake and its meandering cut-off and imprint.

Impacts of climate change on growth and yield of rice and wheat in the Upper Ganga Basin – A study by Indian Agricultural Research Institute
This study by Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), commissioned by WWF-India focuses on the impacts of climate change on the rice and wheat production system in the Upper Ganga Basin. Posted on 26 Jun, 2011 01:51 PM

CoverThis report presents the results based on climate change scenarios and identifies potential adaptation strategies. The study is part of the ‘Climate Change Impacts on Freshwater Ecosystems in the Himalayas’ (CCIFEH) project, a joint initiative of WWF-India and WWF-Nepal, supported by WWF-Netherlands and aims to study and understand climate change impacts on freshwater ecosystems, livelihoods and the economy.

Change in climate conditions and the frequency of natural disasters in recent times has made it imperative to find lasting adaptation solutions for the agriculture sector. Given that almost 60 per cent of the country’s population relies on this sector for its livelihood and that it contributes approximately 15.7 per cent of India’s GDP, an analysis of changes which could impact crop yields and subsequently lead to an instable food security scenario is necessary.

Biodiversity, ecology and socioeconomic aspects of the Gundia river basin in the context of the proposed mega hydroelectric power project - A CES technical report
Save the Gundia river from dams: This CES report tells you how and why Posted on 21 Jun, 2011 11:23 PM

This report by the Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore highlights and argues for the the case of saving the Gundia river, one of the most important tributaries of the river Kumaradhara in Hassan district in Karnataka, which is known for its very rich vegetation and biological wealth. This is in the context of the proposal put forward by the Karnataka Power Corporation Limited to implement the Hydroelectric project (GHEP) on the river. 
