
H2S strip test: a water quality testing kit for bacteriological contamination
H2S Strip test is a simple kit for a first testing of bacteriological contamination Posted on 02 Jun, 2009 12:15 PM

The H2S Strip test is a simple kit for a first testing of bacteriological contamination. The test is being sold by a couple of vendors and the price ranges from Rs 10/- to Rs 20/- per piece.

Test instructions

Critiques of Maharashtra water resources regulatory authority act 2005
Live mint & the wall street journal and India together criticizes Maharashtra water resources regulatory authority act 2005 for its fundamental flaws. Posted on 02 Jun, 2009 12:15 PM

Maharashtra Water Resources Regulatory Authority Act 2005, a pioneering act of its kind, has no role for the people outside the bureaucracy and the ministries. This shocking revelation was reinforced at a recent meeting in Pune, where the chairman and secretary of Maharashtra Water Resources Regulatory Authority also spoke.

Climate change or global warming: a primer
This is no ordinary, natural climate change, this is human induced climate change that causes change in temperature, wind patterns and precipitation that occurs over a long period of time. Posted on 02 Jun, 2009 11:22 AM

Climate change is a significant change in temperature, wind patterns and precipitation that occurs over a long period of time. Some of these changes occur in cycles over decades, hundreds, thousands and millions of years; some could be random occurrences.

Water quality testing kits for field use (part 1 of 3)
Water quality testing kits for field use with manufacturers' details Posted on 02 Jun, 2009 11:13 AM

About field testing kits:

Water quality in various areas of Delhi: survey results of the Clean India Campaign
Development Alternatives did a survey of water quality in various areas of Delhi through its Clean India Campaign Posted on 02 Jun, 2009 10:43 AM

Development Alternatives did a survey of water quality in various areas of Delhi through its Clean India Campaign. The results are presented as a software application. The application can be downloaded and installed on your computer.

Rural Development Engineering Department, Government of Karnataka, carries an analysis of water sources for its quality in rural villages - A GIS approach
The document deals with the magnitude of the drinking water quality problem which in turn depends on geo-environment and anthropogenic activities. Posted on 02 Jun, 2009 10:36 AM

Rural Development Engineering Department, Government of Karnataka, carried out an analysis of water sources for its quality in rural villages (during 2000-2001).

Discussion and concerns of Rural Volunteers Centre, Akajan on the proposed state water policy of Assam (2008)
The document outlines its concerns on the proposed state water policy based on its involvement, studies and observation. Posted on 02 Jun, 2009 10:29 AM

Government of Assam had prepared a draft state water policy in 2008, with support of the Assam Science Technology & Environment Council. The Rural Volunteers Centre, Akajan, an organization working in the water sector in Assam since 1993, had prepared this document outlining its concerns on the proposed state water policy based on its involvement, studies and observation.

Rainfall data sources for Karnataka
Reliable, fine grained rainfall data sources for Karnataka Posted on 02 Jun, 2009 10:25 AM

India water portal has a meteorological data application that has climate parameters on a .5 by .5 latitude/longitude grid throughout the country, for a 100 years. The data is derived from a research data set from the Tyndall Center for Climate Change Research in the UK.

Debate - Private sector approaches to water management for the poor
A debate on Private Sector approaches to Water Management for the poor provides a unique opportunity to learn about private sectro microfinance approaches to water management that have been used for a range of purposes from purchasing household water connections and clean water storage units, like rainwater harvesting tanks to the construction of household latrines. Posted on 02 Jun, 2009 10:20 AM

"Innovations in Microfinance" Series

A debate on Private Sector approaches to Water Management for the poor provides a unique opportunity to learn about private sectro microfinance approaches to water management that have been used for a range of purposes from purchasing household water connections and clean water storage units, like rainwater harvesting tanks to the construction of household latrines.

The debate sponsored by the Citi Foundation & Arc Finance is to be held at the New York Asia Society and Museum. The event can also be accessed via a free live video webcast. More details below the fold.

Approximately 1.1 billion people lack clean water supplies and 2.7 billion have no access to proper sanitation. To combat conditions that lead to sickness and disease, low income families across Asia are asking for clean water and improved sanitation to keep their families healthy and productive. Sophisticated modern piped water networks are too expensive for most developing countries and poor people living in the slums often pay 5 to 10 times more per liter of water than wealthy people living in the same city. Sensing a business opportunity, microfinance organizations are beginning to explore the market for making water more accessible to the poor.
