Climate change treaty : The deal of our life
Posted on 16 Jun, 2009 12:49 AMDecember this year in Copenhagen the countries of the world are going to sign a treaty that will change our life as we know it. Their commitments today will affect our quality of life tomorrow.
Infiltration wells in the Himalayas - Videos by Pan Himalayan Grassroots Development Foundation
Posted on 12 Jun, 2009 09:38 AMThis is a DVD made by a non-profit group that has been uploaded to the web where it could reach many more people and add visibility to your organisation's work. If you would like India Water Portal to do something similiar with your organisation's DVD , please mail us at portal@arghyam.org
Groundwater in India: Conference on groundwater hosted by ACWADAM
Posted on 12 Jun, 2009 09:20 AMA sharing workshop on groundwater organised by ACWADAM (Advanced Center for Water Development and Management) in Pune on 21/22nd May 2009 saw some very good presentations being made. Dr Tushaar's Shah's keynote speech provided an amazing big picture of groundwater use in agriculture. The presentation can be viewed on slideshare and the entire speech is available on YouTube in 4 parts.
Suggestions for a modified approach towards implementation and assessment of Ganga Action Plan
Posted on 11 Jun, 2009 03:20 PMThis paper is written by Vinod Tare, Purnendu Bose and Santosh Gupta of IIT Kanpur to examine the need for an alternative implementation and assessment methodology of River Action Plans in India. The paper illustrates of ‘Ganga Action Plan' (GAP) and its implementation near Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, to assess the methodology.
Rain Shocked-Climate change and the rainfall pattern
Posted on 11 Jun, 2009 02:40 PMThe research study was published in Down to Earth in March 2009 issue. The study describes how climate change is leading to a rising trend of short but intense spells of rainfall, which is making usable water scarce in India.
Reports on implementation of national rural employment guarantee act (NREGA)
Posted on 11 Jun, 2009 02:27 PM"Work in progress", is an article by Jean Dreze and Christian Oldiges, that appeared in the Feb. 14-27, 2009 issue of the Frontline Magazine, that compares the data from the NREGA website (www.nrega.nic.in) related to the first two years (2006-07 and 2007-08) of implementation of the NREGA.
Launch : The www.thewaterchannel.tv
Posted on 11 Jun, 2009 10:43 AMGuest Post by: Lenneke Knoop, The Water Channel Image and Content Courtesy: The Water Channel The new version of www.thewaterchannel.tv has been launched. TheWaterChannel is a dedicated web-based video channel on water. It wants to be a main repository for video material on water and a main support and medium in promoting better water management.
TheWaterChannel now contains over 150 water related videos with new material coming in daily. The new version has several improved features and much more functions including improved uploading services, several technical improvements and news feed subscription.
Request for input and partners - Dugwell recharge research program by CAREWATER
Posted on 10 Jun, 2009 02:37 AMGuest post on the Portal by Sunderrajan Krishnan, CAREWATER, (Center for Action, Research and Education on Water), www.carewater.org . === As a response to water stress in hard rock areas of the country, the Government of India has designed the Artificial Programme on Dug Well Recharge aimed at rejuvenating hard rock aquifers across the country. The idea is to divert rainfall runoff into open wells as a means of harvesting rainfall runoff and increasing recharge into aquifers. Currently as of April 2009, the program is underway in a couple of states, mainly in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu, and other states are following suit. The program is ambitious in the sense that it aims to bring in millions of dug well owning farmers towards recharging. How will such a program be implemented, monitored and channeled so that the results are achieved to satisfaction? CAREWATER has designed a network of partners and is conducting studies to understand Dug well recharge and providing feedbacks to this national programme on artificial dug well recharge. Towards this purpose, since September 2008 we have created a partner base of organizations who along with our expertise are carrying out ground studies and analysis. Some of these results are available now on our website http://www.carewater.org (Please click on the link at the bottom of the homepage). We hope to keep updating this page as the program continues and wish to have more partners join our endeavor. In particular we have published a study of dug well recharge. The study is summarized below. We would like a larger discussion of the results of the study. Your comments below will be very useful to take this project forward more effectively.
Bharat Institute of higher research and education, Chennai, presents grey water reuse in existing small apartments
Posted on 09 Jun, 2009 01:31 PMThis presentation by C Vishnupriya of Bharat Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai looks at an existing residential building with a rainwater harvesting system that is not adequately sized.