Reports on implementation of national rural employment guarantee act (NREGA)

"Work in progress", is an article by Jean Dreze and Christian Oldiges, that appeared in the Feb. 14-27, 2009 issue of the Frontline Magazine, that compares the data from the NREGA website ( related to the first two years (2006-07 and 2007-08) of implementation of the NREGA.
Read the article from the Feb 14-27 2009 issue Read More

This article is a follow up to a previous article, "Commendable act", written by the same authors on the same subject, that appeared in the July 14-27, 2007 issue of Frontline, in which 2006-07 NREGA implementation data was discussed and analysed.

Read the article from the July 14-27 2007 issue Read More

"Delivery NREGS - Challenges and Opportunities", is a book by KS Gopal, of the Centre for Environment Concerns (CEC) Hyderabad, that brings out experiences of CEC partners involved in the implementation of the NREGA. The book can be ordered by contacting CEC at the following address:

Shri. K.S. Gopal
Centre for Environment Concerns (CEC)
3-4-142/6, Barkatpura, Hyderabad - 500 27
Tel. No. (040) 27564959 / 27563017

Employment Guarantee, Civil Society and Indian Democracy, by Mihir Shah, examines the context and potential of the NREGA in providing the 'big development push' in India's regions of distress. The author states that the role of civil society will be critical in ensuring the success of NREGA, but that this will require adoption of a self-critical politics of fortitude, balance and restraint.

This article was published in the November 17, 2007 issue of the Economic and Political Weekly , and has been sourced here with permission from the author.

The real radicalism of NREGA, is an article by Mihir Shah, written in the backdrop of the brutal murder of a young Jharkhand social activist Lalit Mehta, who was working hard to make NREGA realise its potential. The author states that the radical provisions of the NREGA has deeply threatened local vested interests, who are violently opposing the program, and suggests that a clear mandate from the government supporting CSOs working on NREGA would provide the much-needed protection to thousands of unsung activists like Lalit Mehta, who in their undiminished optimism about India's future, continue to risk their lives to make initiatives like NREGA a success.

This article was published in the Opinion section of 22 May, 2008 issue of The Hindu (, and has been sourced here with permission from the author.

Read the article

Dr Mihir Shah, works with the Samaj Pragati Sahayog, which works along with its partners in rural Central and Eastern India, on water and livelihood security. He is also the co-founder of the National Consortium of Civil Society Organisations, which supports Gram Panchayats in planning, implementation and social audit of NREGA works.

For more info, please see

Post By: Rama Mani