
Low carbon strategies for inclusive growth - An interim report of the Planning Commission's expert group
This Interim Report of the Expert Group of Planning Commission on Low Carbon Strategies for Inclusive Growth provides a menu of options that can reduce India’s emission intensity over the time frame. Posted on 28 Jun, 2011 11:44 PM

CoverSome policy measures implied by various options have also been indicated. The main sectors examined in the report are power, transport, industry, buildings and forestry.

Increased concentrations of Green House Gases (GHGs) and the overall warming of the atmosphere has resulted in changing rainfall patterns, disruption in hydrological cycles, melting of ice caps and glaciers, rise in sea levels, and increase in frequency and intensity of extreme events such as heavy precipitation and cyclonic activities.

These have in turn had serious impact on sustainability of water resources, agriculture, forests and ecosystems, affecting the well being of billions of people on earth. Widespread melting of glaciers and snow cover will reduce melt water from major mountain ranges (e.g. Hindu Kush, Himalaya, Andes) where more than one billion people currently live.

Establishment and management of community sanitary complexes in rural areas - A handbook by Water and Sanitation Program
This handbook by Water and Sanitation Program gives a very useful insight on the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of sanitary toilet complexes in a sustainable way. Posted on 28 Jun, 2011 10:45 PM

CoverIt is intended primarily for programme implementers to help them understand the critical need for Community Sanitary Complexes and inform them of the guiding principles to be adopted while planning for these.

India remains one of the countries wherein concerted efforts are still required to eliminate the practice of open defecation. The lack of priority given to safe confinement and disposal of human excreta poses significant health risks manifest in the sanitation challenge facing the nation today. 

The provision of sanitation facilities through public toilet complexes is the most suitable option for those who cannot afford individual toilets for monetary reasons or due to lack of space, and opt for open defecation. Such complexes are a useful and valuable option at public places, markets, taxi stands, etc., where a large congregation of people takes place. The Community Sanitary Complex (CSC) fosters the cognitive development of healthy sanitation practices in the community.

OTELP is looking for HR persons for collaborative work at Hyderabad & Malkangiri district, Odisha – Apply by July 15, 2011
Posted on 28 Jun, 2011 06:44 PM

The Orissa Tribal Empowerment and Livelihood Project (OTELP)The Orissa Tribal Empowerment and Livelihood Project (OTELP) focuses on empowering the tribals and enabling them to enhance their food security, increase their incomes and improve their overall quality of life through more efficient natural resource management based on the principles of improved watershed management and more productive environmentally sound agricultural practices and through off-farm/non-farm enterprise development.

Call for EOI for sub grantees to support 'Promoting sustainable sanitation in rural India' - Apply by July 5, 2011
Posted on 28 Jun, 2011 06:37 PM

Global Sanitation FundThe Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) has selected India as part of the country programmes portfolio to implement a US$ 5 million fund aimed towards promoting sustainable sanitation in rural India, with special focus in the states of Assam and Jharkhand. The programme seeks to respond to fundamental challenges in the Indian Rural Sanitation Sector. In this respect it is consistent with the core principles espoused by the Government of India (GoI), the GSF and the institutional and funding arrangements prevalent in the sector and, aims at influencing long-term, sustainable change.

3rd annual rural marketing excellence, Gripel, July 8 – 9, 2011, Mumbai
Posted on 28 Jun, 2011 06:12 PM

GripelOrganizer: Gripel

Venue: Mumbai


  • Opportunities in tapping India's rural market, exploring the growth Potentials & government initiatives effectively for a win-win situation between urban sellers and rural buyers
  • Getting connected with the rural ‘mindset’ & sentiments of rural consumer
Southern regional workshop on climate change, Tamil Nadu Science Forum, July 7 – 8, 2011, Hosur (TN)
Posted on 28 Jun, 2011 06:00 PM

Organizer: Tamil Nadu Science Forum

Venue: Hosur, Tamil Nadu


Southern Regional Workshop on Climate Change, is being organised by the Tamil Nadu Science Forum on behalf of the All India Peoples Science Network, New Delhi, with support from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai and the Shakthi Foundation, New Delhi. 

The Workshop is part of a series of regional workshops aimed at motivating and training activists to create social movements aimed at mitigating and adapting to the galloping climate change. A total of around 50 scientists, resource persons and social activists from the states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Puducherry are expected to attend this event.

Conference against warming the globe 2011, Tamil Nadu, July 22 – 24, 2011, Madurai
Posted on 28 Jun, 2011 05:46 PM

Conference against warming the globe 2011

Venue: Thamukkam Ground, Madurai, Tamil Nadu


  • Impact of warming the globe–Scientific and social background
  • Politics of global warming 
  • Interconnection between present development model and warming the globe/deteriorating climate 
  • Towards alternative development, initiating nature-friendly and human-friendly measures
The lake and the well, part of a water master plan - Article by S. Vishwanath about Jakkur Lake in Bangalore
Multiple sourcing of water is now a necessity. This video describes Jakkur Lake which has been converted into a beautiful and bio-diverse wetland. Posted on 28 Jun, 2011 05:41 PM

Author: S. Vishwanath
Video courtesy: Zenrainman

When a city adds nearly 3 million people in a span of a decade ensuring water supply to its citizens seems a huge challenge. One critical thing to realize is that the mind-set of ‘providing’ water has to change and become one of ensuring that citizens can access water of requisite quality.

Hi-tech vs low-tech in the water sector in the village of Dandiganahalli near Bangalore - Article by S. Vishwanath
Dandiganahalli, very close to Bangalore, has a problem of high TDS in its water, meaning the water is too salty and brackish. Worse still it has Fluoride in it. The video explores appropriate means of dealing with this issue. Posted on 28 Jun, 2011 05:40 PM

Ever since Schumacher wrote his now very, very famous book small is there has in my mind been a question of the appropriateness of the solutions we urban educated types posit for rural ‘problems’.

Public toilets In disrepair, villagers suffer - Video Volunteers : Article in India Unheard
This video looks at how lack of maintenance are leading to the decline of infrastructure and programs that are essential for public health Posted on 28 Jun, 2011 05:38 PM


In Kokkarapati village (TN), dilapidated public toilets cause difficulty, disease and humiliation.
