3rd annual rural marketing excellence, Gripel, July 8 – 9, 2011, Mumbai

GripelOrganizer: Gripel

Venue: Mumbai


  • Opportunities in tapping India's rural market, exploring the growth Potentials & government initiatives effectively for a win-win situation between urban sellers and rural buyers
  • Getting connected with the rural ‘mindset’ & sentiments of rural consumer
  • Customer experience & relationship management
  • Network marketing as an effective alternative channel
  • Exploring eLearning & social media for rural masses
  • Alternative channels for rural marketing
  • Experiential marketing & brand building strategies
  • Digital Gratification: Role of new emerging technology, media & IT for Rural Marketing by unfolding ecosystem marketing with new and traditional technology
  • Creating unique selling points & value additions for attracting rural consumer
  • Strategies for creating rural retail brand with a focus on rural markets
  • Planning Rural Penetration Strategy - Designing specific distribution strategies for great penetration of products and services developing sound distribution network & achieving rural supply chain excellence
  • Rural Pricing Strategies - Strengthening your pricing strategies in ensuring the product’s Success
  • Managing the Rural Sales Force
  • Creating an effective ad campaign for rural markets


This conference helps in venturing beyond urban markets to capture market share & augmented profits by focusing on integrated and innovative strategies to enhance business growth in rural areas.

Gripel conferences are a combination of presentations from government representatives, industry leaders and experts , that provide our clients a great opportunity to discuss, network and learn on strategic level that will assist them in their decision making process.

Marketing needs to realign itself to the changing face of rural India. In 20 years the rural Indian market will be larger than the total consumer markets in countries such as South Korea or Canada today, and almost four times the size of today’s urban Indian market. The estimated size of the rural market will be $577 billion.

Registration fee: Rs. 25,950 /- + service tax

Download the below attachment for more details

Contact details:
Tel: 9423955939
email: gripel@gmail.com
Website: http://gripel.com

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