
SRTT-NRTT invites applications for Assistant Development Officer, Amravati – Apply by September 8, 2011
Posted on 05 Sep, 2011 04:41 PM

Content courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia


Sir Ratan Tata Trust and Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust (SRTT-NRTT) initiated the comprehensive livelihood focused ‘Sukhi Baliraja Initiative (SBI)’ to address and alleviate farmers’ distress. The initiative has a total outreach of 25,600 households across 320 villages of the 6 distress districts of Vidarbha and has achieved a fair amount of success in its first year of operations.

RRA invites call for proposals on action research on support systems for rainfed agriculture – Apply by October 15, 2011
Posted on 05 Sep, 2011 04:04 PM


Revitalising Rainfed Agriculture (RRA) is established at Hivos in partnership with Ford Foundation. The network documents and synthesises lessons from field experiences in soil, seeds, water, millet-based crop systems, fisheries, livestock, credit, markets and institutions. It generates large-scale field experiences through comprehensive pilots in convergence with government programmes.

Flood hazard zonation of Assam – An atlas by National Remote Sensing Centre
This flood hazard atlas for the State of Assam is based on an analysis of ten years of multi-temporal satellite datasets acquired during the flood seasons of 1998-2007. Posted on 05 Sep, 2011 03:09 PM

Assam represents a highly flood-prone region characterized by severe hazards of floods. Although occurrence of flood has been an age-old phenomenon in the riverine areas of this region, the extent of damage caused by floods has increased significantly in recent years.

Decentralized wastewater management – An overview of a community initiatives in New Delhi - Vigyan Vijay Foundation
Ajit Seshadri argues how centralized approaches to wastewater treatment have had limited success in India. Posted on 05 Sep, 2011 11:40 AM

This paper by Ajit Seshadri, Vigyan Vijay Foundation highlights the poor sanitation situation in India and argues that centralized approaches to wastewater treatment have had limited success and there is a need to make wastwater treatment people centric and effective through the use of decentralized systems such as DEWATS (Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems). DEWATS are locally organized and people driven systems that typically comprise a settler, anaerobic baffled tanks, filter beds of gravel and sand, and an open pond. The open pond or the polishing tank recreates a living environment for the wastewater to clean itself, naturally.

WMG invites applications for Coordinators and Livelihoods Program Manager, Panchgani, Maharashtra
Posted on 04 Sep, 2011 11:35 AM


Watershed Management Group (WMG) has opened its doors near Panchgani, Maharashtra in western India where it has partnered with a local organization, Grampari, to provide health and environment services to rural communities. Grampari conducts livelihood and local governance programs such as skills development and entrepreneurship training.

WMG and Grampari are jointly developing several programs including sanitation & hygiene and community-based watershed management.

Orissa Community Tank Management Project – A paper by World Bank on proposed project restructuring
The document confirms that there is significant room for increase in crop and livestock productivity and can be addressed with the activities to be undertaken by the project. Posted on 03 Sep, 2011 07:39 PM

This document provides an appraisal of the World Bank financed Orissa Community Tank Management Project. The project on tank rehabilitation in the state was focused on institutional strengthening, agricultural livelihood services and some irrigation improvements in the project area.

Forecasting agricultural output using space, agrometeorology and land based observations
Proceedings of the annual review meeting by India Meteorological Department in August 2011 at Pune - Posted on 03 Sep, 2011 06:29 PM

This document presents the proceedings of the annual review meeting by India Meteorological Department (IMD) on “Forecasting Agricultural Output Using Space, Agrometeorology and Land Based Observations” (FASAL) organized at YASHADA, Pune during 1-2 August 2011.

Assessment of Jalamani programme on stand alone water purification systems in rural India - A report by Centre for Media Studies
Stand Alone Water Purification Systems technology inefficiency is a major concern, the study suggests. Posted on 03 Sep, 2011 04:50 PM

UV Skidding TechnologyThis report by the Centre for Media Studies, New Delhi presents an assessment of the Jalamani programme of the Department of Drinking Water Supply, Government of India. The centrally sponsored programme commenced in 2008-09 aimed at installing simple Stand Alone Water Purification Systems (SAWPS) in rural schools to enable school children to have access to safe and clean water. The focus was on tackling bacteriological contamination and turbidity in ongoing rural drinking water supply programme.

The assessment study used both qualitative and quantitative techniques such as focus group discussions and in-depth interviews besides structured questionnaire for a variety of stakeholders and research questions. Another important aspect of the quantitative tools was testing of the raw and treated water samples. The study was undertaken in 320 schools spread across 20 districts and six states.

UNICEF invites applications for a Consultant at New Delhi - Apply by September 3, 2011
Posted on 03 Sep, 2011 09:39 AM


United Nation International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is the driving force that helps build a world where the rights of every child are realized. They have the global authority to influence decision-makers, and a variety of partners at grassroots level to turn the most innovative ideas into reality.  That makes them unique among world organizations, and unique among those working with the young.

UNICEF believes that nurturing and caring for children are the cornerstones of human progress. It was created with this purpose in mind – to work with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination place in a child’s path. 

Faster, sustainable and more inclusive growth – An approach to the twelfth five year plan – Draft report by Planning Commission
Water and environmental issues are also critical to sustained and high quality urbanization, the report says. Posted on 03 Sep, 2011 09:28 AM

This draft report by the Planning Commission, which presents an approach to the twelfth five year plan among other things outlines some of the challenges related to agriculture, natural resources management and water resources management.