
Efficacy, effectiveness and acceptability of closed containers, Moringa oleifera and in-home chlorination - A paper from AJTMH
The study deals with drinking water contamination in rural south India. Posted on 04 Nov, 2011 12:38 PM

This study published in the journal The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (AJTMH) aimed at assessing water contamination and the relative effectiveness of three options for point-of-use water treatment in South India.

Advancing development - Towards sustainable livelihoods - Madurai Symposium - DHAN Foundation - September 14-18 ( 2011)
The symposium highlights the importance of rainwater harvesting in the context of climate change. Posted on 04 Nov, 2011 08:47 AM

The Madurai Symposium organised by the

A course on policies, politics & practices of environmental management, CSE, December 19, 2011 – January 6, 2012, New Delhi
Posted on 04 Nov, 2011 08:22 AM

Organizers: Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) & Engineers Without Borders (EWB)

Venue: Anil Agarwal Green College, 38, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi–110062


The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is a public interest research and advocacy organisation based in New Delhi. CSE researches into, lobbies for and communicates the urgency of development that is both sustainable and equitable.

Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is an international development organisation that removes barriers to development through engineering. Its programmes provide opportunities for young people to learn about technology's role in tackling poverty. Supported by the EWB-UK community, its members can work on projects around the globe.

Environmental monitoring programme on water quality in Kerala – A report by KSCSTE and CWRDM
Streams receive stress from sewage and organic effluents, as per this study. Posted on 03 Nov, 2011 08:54 PM

water samplingThis report by the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) and Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (CWRDM) on water quality monitoring in Kerala covers all its forty four river basins. This is being done under the “Environmental Monitoring Programme on Water Quality” under which samples are being collected both from surface and groundwater sources.

Groundwater sampling stations were fixed after conducting a sanitary survey in the panchayats. Water Quality Information System is being developed using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to manage the water quality from point or non-point source of pollution.

In the first phase of the project, three river basins of Kerala viz. Kabbini, Periyar and Neyyar were monitored. The network was later expanded to basins such as Chaliyar, Kadalundi, Meenachil, Karamana, Anjarakandi, Pamba, Muvattupuzha, Bharatapuzha, and Chalakudy. 

Jeevan Vidhya Workshop, December 4 – 9, 2011, Sirsi, Karnataka
Posted on 03 Nov, 2011 08:09 PM

Organizer: Centre for Holistic Learning, Jeevanshala Trust

Venue: Sirsi, Karnataka


Jeevanshala Trust like to think of ourselves as constituting an open learning community/network for mature learners. The programs we conduct are for 'grown-ups', and the content of the programs is of a sort that is not to be found in conventional institutions of learning... 
We are a motley group of people, linked together by our vision of wholesome meaningful lives for everyone, and by our advocacy of such living...

Impacts of climate change on public health in India - Paper published in Environmental Health Perspectives
The paper deals with future research directions in this regard. Posted on 03 Nov, 2011 07:40 PM

This paper published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives briefly summarises the relevant literature and highlights the challenges and opportunities for innovative research in the context of the impact of changing temperatures and precipitation patterns due to climate change on the health of populations from developing countries such as India.

Water data at your fingertips !
Today India Water Portal is introducing a new tool that will bring a wide range of water and related information to your fingertips. Posted on 02 Nov, 2011 11:21 AM

The Data Finder aims to bring together all water data from all over the web and put them in one convenient searchable tool so you can use it for any projects you are working on.

Climate change impact assessment of water resources of India - A paper from Current Science
This study had been taken up to quantify the possible impacts of the climate change on the water resources of Indian river systems. Posted on 02 Nov, 2011 10:52 AM

Climate change impact on water resourcesThis paper published in the journal Current Science presents the findings of a study has been taken up to quantify the possible impacts of the climate change on the water resources of Indian river systems within the constraints of the uncertainty of climate change predictions. The study uses the PRECIS daily weather data to determine the spatio-temporal water availability in the river systems.

A distributed hydrological model, namely SWAT has been used to simulate all the river basins of the country. The analysis has been performed to evaluate the severity of droughts and floods and thus identify the vulnerable hotspots that may require attention in view of the climate change in various parts of the country.

Impacts of climate change and climate variability on the water resources are likely to affect irrigated agriculture, installed power capacity, environmental flows in the dry season and higher flows during the wet season, thereby causing severe droughts and floods in urban and rural areas. Climate change impacts on water resources which are addressed and analysed in the present study include impacts on annual and inter-annual water availability as well as extreme events of droughts and floods.

Management of landslides and snow avalanches - National disaster management guidelines by National Disaster Management Authority
The guidelines have identified nine major areas for systematic and coordinated management of landslide hazards. Posted on 02 Nov, 2011 08:15 AM

LandslideThese guidelines by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) on management of landslides and snow avalanches aim to reduce the enormous destructive potential of landslides and minimize the consequential losses by institutionalizing the landslide hazard mitigation efforts. 

It is necessary that the hazard must first be recognized, the risk analyzed and an appropriate strategy developed at the national level to mitigate its impact. To achieve this objective, the NDMA initiated a series of consultations for drafting the national guidelines on landslides and snow avalanches to guide the activities envisaged for mitigating the risk emanating from landslides at all levels. The guidelines include regulatory and non-regulatory frameworks with defined time schedules for all activities. It is envisioned that all national and state disaster management plans and policies for landslides will be formulated and implemented keeping in view the overall framework of the guidelines.

A decade of the Total Sanitation Campaign - Rapid assessment of processes and outcomes - A report by the World Bank
It aims at gaining an understanding of the processes, outputs and outcomes of the campaign at a national level and across the states. Posted on 01 Nov, 2011 10:07 PM

cover of the sanitation reportThis report by the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), The World Bank analyses primary and secondary data from the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) of the Government of India, which has been in operation for over a decade (1999 to date).

The audience for this report includes policy-makers and implementers at national, state and district levels, and the broader sanitation and hygiene community. The report aims at gaining an understanding of the processes, outputs and outcomes of the campaign at a national level and across the states as compared with the inputs that have gone into the program.

The report draws on these indicators, which are then compared individually and in combination to benchmark the states, to understand the relative performance of the states. This benchmarking, based on a combination of eight indicators, is undertaken for both states and districts across the country.
