
Compensate affected farmers: HC to Narmada Authority
Policy matters this week Posted on 30 Jun, 2014 09:07 AM

High Court raps Narmada Authority over incomplete canal work

State of an irrigation canal at Khargone district
Dam' safety and management!
A recent accident that killed 24 students in Himachal Pradesh has pointed fingers yet again to the much neglected area of dam safety. More than assigning blame, it's time we assigned responsibility. Posted on 24 Jun, 2014 09:10 PM

Twenty four students were washed away in the Beas river in Himachal Pradesh earlier this month. The students, all from an engineering college in Hyderabad, were picknicking in the river on their way back from the tourist town of Manali. While cooling their heels in the knee deep water and clicking photographs, they missed the rising wall of water that engulfed them in minutes.

Dam induced terror (Source: Matu Jan Sangathan)
Below normal' rainfall for India this monsoon: IMD
News this week: IMD predicts a below average monsoon this year; Himachal villagers reject govt's Assessment Report on Sutlej basin; Six years post-construction, Narmada canals breach every ten steps. Posted on 28 Apr, 2014 10:18 PM

'Below normal' rainfall for India this monsoon: IMD

Monsoon in India (Source: journeys@remember)
More power, but no water security to MP and Gujarat
News this week: Upcoming elections pose risk to water security of MP and Gujarat; No action taken by MoEF against illegal Garudeshwar dam in Gujarat; Karur's farmers to exercise NOTA. Posted on 22 Apr, 2014 11:10 PM

More power, but no water security to MP and Gujarat, observes SANDRP

Sardar Sarovar Dam in Gujarat (Source: Wikimedia)
New law to save the Ganga
Policy matters this week: PMO orders framing of draft legislation to protect the Ganga; Narmada-Kshipra river linking scheme passes the test; World Bank to support low-income states. Posted on 17 Feb, 2014 02:22 PM

PMO approves law to protect Ganga river

Ganga river in Haridwar (Source: Anoop Negi)
Drinking water quality worst in Kerala: Report
News this week: NSSO says drinking water quality worst in Kerala, migratory birds desert flooded wetland and villagers protest against hydel project in Uttarakhand. Posted on 29 Dec, 2013 04:50 PM

Kerala scores worst in access to potable water: NSSO

House wells not safe? (Source: Wikimedia)
Bihar villagers against asbestos plant
News this week: Bihar villagers oppose asbestos plant, J&K government restricts civilian movement near Kishanganga dam site and dams for Mumbai result in tribal displacement. Posted on 22 Dec, 2013 08:40 PM

10,000 Bihar villagers file petition against asbestos plant

Asbestos inflammation (Source: Adam Cohn, Flickr)
Development or displacement?
The MP government is proposing a nuclear project in Mandala district. Villagers are wary about promises to rehabilitate since similar promises are yet unfulfilled to the Bargi dam oustees since 1990. Posted on 01 Dec, 2013 08:30 PM

Sukal Singh is 50 years old and is the only earning person of his five-member family. Suresh Barman works as a labourer supporting a 13-member family. Bhagirat and Gorelal Bhavedi are rickshaw-pullers supporting a 7-member family each.

Bargi dam affected Patha village, MP
United opposition to the 'Statue of Unity'
News this week: 'Statue of Unity' doesn't have environment clearance, smoke from religious ceremonies causing glacier melt and migratory birds celebrate a peaceful Diwali in Coimbatore. Posted on 11 Nov, 2013 11:45 AM

Environment activists unite against the 'Statue of Unity'

Statue of Unity opposed Source:
Gujarat government arrests activists protesting Narmada weir
News this week: Gujarat government puts environment activists under house arrest, Goa's mining zone highly polluted and Assam's rice bowl turns into wasteland due to siltation. Posted on 05 Nov, 2013 11:02 AM

Gujarat government culls protest against weir on the Narmada river

Sardar Sarovar Dam Source: Geolocation