
Institutional intervention in river water management - The study of Yamuna river sub-basin in India - Centre for Good Governance, Hyderabad
This article highlights the relevance of river water management in the context of the deteriorating status of rivers in the country Posted on 17 Oct, 2012 08:00 PM

This paper from the Centre for Good Governance highlights the relevance of river water management as an important area for natural resources management in the context of the current deteriorating status of the rivers in India in terms of quality as well as quantity, and a

Unlocking the potential of the Indian minerals sector- Report by the Ministry of Mines
This report identifies the steps that can be undertaken to transform the mining sector in India Posted on 16 Oct, 2012 09:21 AM

This report by Ministry of Mines spells out the key priorities that will enable transformation of the mining sector in India.

Privatising the Commons- A book review in Economic and Political Weekly
This article provides a review of the book "Communities, Commons and Corporations" Posted on 15 Oct, 2012 07:35 PM

Published in the Economic and Political Weekly, this article sheds light on the issue of privatising the natural resources, which are commonly shared by the rural people. These resources include  forests, pasturelands, wastelands, coasts, lakes and rivers.

Damaged rivers, collapsing fisheries: Impacts of dams on riverine fisheries in India - Article by SANDRP
THis article looks at the devastating impacts of dams, barrages and hydrological modifications on the fisheries sector in India Posted on 11 Oct, 2012 09:55 PM

More than 10.86 million Indians depend on rivers, wetlands, floodplains, estuaries, ponds and tanks for subsistence and market-based fisheries. Though the absolute contribution of riverine fisheries may not be huge in economic terms, it is a very crucial component in livelihood and nutritial security of the rural poor.

Database of private hydro electric projects- A compilation by Manthan Adhyayan Kendra, September (2012)
This document provides information on the ongoing hydroelectirc projects in the different parts of the country Posted on 11 Oct, 2012 11:08 AM

This document is a compilation on private hydro electric projects by Manthan Adhyayan Kendra. It provides information on various ongoing hydro electric projects in different states as per September 2012.

National register of large dams- A compilation of state-wise large dams in India by Central Water Commission
This document provides basic information on a dam, the technical details regarding the construction of dams and details of dams in different states Posted on 11 Oct, 2012 09:56 AM

This document by Central Water Commission is a compilation of large dams in India. It provides basic information about a dam. The document first spells out the meaning of a large dam, which is based on the height of a dam and also complies with any one of the following conditions:

Enabling empowerment: The CORD approach towards rural development in Himachal Pradesh
This article describes the strategy proposed by the Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development (CORD) for achieving inclusive growth in rural India Posted on 11 Oct, 2012 08:50 AM

The Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development (CORD) has been working in rural India since 1985. Since then , it has had an impact in 600 villages in 4 states of India.

Squatting rights - Study by Dasra highlights the issue of access to toilets in urban India
This report focuses on the poor sanitation situation in India and argues that non profits can play an important role by in creating innovative, impactful models for sanitation Posted on 10 Oct, 2012 08:11 PM

coverDasra, a strategic philanthropy foundation in collaboration with Omidyar Network and

Strategy for the development of mineral industry for the 12th five year plan- Report of sub-group-II on metals and minerals of the Planning Commission
This document presents the strategy for short term and long term development of minerals Posted on 09 Oct, 2012 03:27 PM

This report by Planning Commission is an outcome of the study the output levels of various mineral industries.
