Strategy for the development of mineral industry for the 12th five year plan- Report of sub-group-II on metals and minerals of the Planning Commission

This report by Planning Commission is an outcome of the study the output levels of various mineral industries. It brings out the present status and projections for demand and supply of various mineral based industries, come up with strategy both short term and long term for the development of minerals.

The report in its executive summary, gives a gist of the significance of each the mineral industry, the current state of development of each mineral industry, the presence of each mineral at world level followed by its existence in India.

The following minerals are covered in the report:

  • Copper- copper, cobalt, molybdenum, selenium and tellurium
  • Lead and zinc- lead and zinc, Ccadmium, silver, nickel, antimony, arsenic, bismuth, mercury, indium, tungsten and tin
  • Aluminium
  • Cement and limestone
  • Diamond and precious stones
  • Gold and precious metals- platinum group of metals and silver
  • Dimensional and decorative stones
  • Industrial/non-metallic minerals
  • Beach and minerals- Ilmenite, rutile, leucoxene, zircon
  • Strategic minerals
  • Ferrous minerals

Click below to download the report
