Bangalore Urban and Rural District

Job opportunities at Jhatkaa, a citizens group working on cutting edge innovation in citizen engagement
Jhatkaa is looking for people from diverse backgrounds, dedicated to creating change, and ready to put their full heart into their role .
Posted on 29 Apr, 2013 01:04 PM


The organisation

Job opportunities with Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination (CDD) Society
CDD Society requires staff for its office and Centre for Advanced Sanitation Solutions (CASS) in Bangalore
Posted on 27 Apr, 2013 10:43 AM

Bangalore celebrates World Water Day 2013 on 22-23 March
On 22-23 March 2013, Bangalore will celebrate World Water Day like never before - with an explosion of events all over the city Posted on 19 Mar, 2013 06:28 PM

We invite you to visit homes and workplaces that have harvested rainwater, treated their sewage, and acted as water stewards. From lakes to apartment complexes to corporate offices, people from each part of Bangalore will open their doors for you. Join us!

Sweet smell of success: Human waste fertilises land & turns farmers wealthy in Bangalore
Farmers fertilise the soil with rich organic carbon and nutrients in urine and faeces, reduce chemical additives and gather a bumper harvest. Posted on 17 Mar, 2013 05:07 PM

Human excreta is loaded with nutrients, which when disposed off discriminately, increases pollution and leads to a loss of resources. On an average a human being produces some 500 litres of urine and 50 kilograms of faeces a year, sufficient to fertilise plants that would produce more than 200 kilograms of cereals!

Corporate water wisdom: A video on how a large company can become water wise
Shubha Ramachandran speaks on how water management is carried out in large corporate setups. She explains that most offices depend on private water suppliers, the water tankers or through borewells. Posted on 13 Mar, 2013 08:04 AM

How does a corporate resolve its water issues? Issues not just pertaining to adequate water for its large staff, but also the long term sustainability of this replenishable but finite source.

Bangalore garbage finds dumping place in Mandur: Civic body promises better infrastructure projects in exchange - Roundup of the week’s news (March 4- March 10, 2013)
Roundup of the week’s news (March 4- March 10, 2013)
Posted on 11 Mar, 2013 11:42 PM

Bangalore garbage finds dumping place in Mandur: Civic body promises better infrastructure projects for communities living there

Catch Every Drop: The Water Warrior contest
Your city needs YOU to become a Water Warrior (of taps, not guns!) with a clear mission brief to save every drop from going to waste. Posted on 27 Feb, 2013 06:08 PM

Imagine there's no water
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to cook or clean with
And no flushing too!
Imagine all the people
Living life in vain
