Training programme on citywide sanitation planning, CDD Society, Bangalore, April 24-26, 2013

 CDD Society


Centre for Advanced Sanitation Solutions, Bangalore.


Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination (CDD) Society

About CDD Society

CDD Society is working to provide one million marginalised people with access to water, sanitation and energy by 2015. From their headquarters in Bangalore, they work through a network of likeminded organisations across South Asia to provide cost effective, environmentally sound, and community specific basic needs services.


Urbanisation is one of the most important demographic trends of this century. Rapid growth of cities has created a shortfall in the supply of infrastructure and services leading to a deteriorating environment.

Sanitation situation in India depicts a very grim picture. About 30 million people in urban India do not have adequate sanitation facilities.

Although efforts are being made, the centralised systems of wastewater and solid waste treatment may not address every need of the city due to various barriers and limitations. Therefore, decentralised basic needs services (DBNS) could be an effective approach to ensure wider coverage and achieve the overall objective of safe health and adequate sanitation facilities for all.

The training

In order to deal with issues that are leading to gaps in sanitation services and sub-standard sanitation infrastructure, a strong planning framework is recommended. CSP as a tool helps in identifying the needs of the ‘unserved’ and poor population of urban areas.

Therefore, CDD Society offers a methodology to carry out a Citywide Sanitation Plan with different decentralised sanitation options and integration with centralised systems in small and medium towns. It is a holistic approach and gives both long term solutions (e.g. policy initiatives for new developments in sanitation infrastructure) and short term solutions to fill sanitation gaps.

CDD Society’s Citywide Sanitation Planning service is a participatory approach for improving sanitation infrastructure and livelihoods in poorer urban areas.


The main objective of this CSP training package is to introduce and impart planning skills for preparation of citywide plans with an inclusive approach.

Course outline

1. Baseline data collection and mapping
2. Analysis
2.1. Sanitation situation
2.2. Demand supply
2.3. Stress area
3. Strategy for implementation of various options
4. Preparation of Citywide sanitation plan
5. Institutional framework and stakeholder analysis
6. Soft skills for participatory approach or activating stakeholders


Participants for this training course could include Municipal Officials, Urban Planner, Urban Development Professionals from governments, NGOs and the private sector.

Eligibility criteria

  • A Masters degree in Urban/Regional Planning, Environmental Planning, Urban Design, Geography, Economics, Urban Sociology or Environmental Science.
  • Graduates in Civil Engineering or Architecture.
  • At least 2 years of work experience in Urban Planning, Urban Development or Urban governance.


This is a fully residential training course, which includes boarding, lodging, training kit, materials, local travel and training certificate.

  • Indian residents / organisations: Rs. 18000/-
  • Individuals / organisations from developing countries: 380 Euros
  • Individuals / organisations from developed countries: 450 Euros

The short-listed participants need to send a DD/ Cheque in favour of CDD Society, for the above amount to the address given below.

Contact details

Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination (CDD) Society
Survey No.205 (Opp. Beedi Workers Colony)
Kommaghatta Road, Bandemath
Kengeri Satellite Town
Bangalore 560 060, India
Tel/Fax: +91-(0)80-28486700, +91-(0)80-28482144

Event Date
Post By: Seetha