Arabian Sea

Government bans project clearance in eight critically polluted industrial areas
Policy matters this week - No more project clearance in critically polluted areas, Tamil Nadu government launches 'Amma' mineral water and Guwahati to get 24*7 water supply. Posted on 22 Sep, 2013 06:03 PM

No environment clearance in eight critically polluted areas

Effluent pollutes water Source: Wikipedia
200-crore penalty for Adani's Mundra port
News this week: 200-crore penalty on Mundra port, Parliament passes Land Acquisition Bill and dengue spreads in Mumbai. Posted on 08 Sep, 2013 07:32 PM


200-crore penalty for Adani's Mundra port

Land reclaimation from the sea at the Mundra Port
Food Security Bill sees light of the day
News this week - Lok Sabha passes the Food Security Bill, floods engulf Gujarat and India bans shark finning. Posted on 01 Sep, 2013 10:28 PM


Food security bill passed

Affordable food for all (Source: Google Images)
Countrywide ban on sand mining
News this week - National Green Tribunal bans sand mining, Ukai dam authorities save Surat from floods and the Central Government decides to release water data. Posted on 11 Aug, 2013 05:41 PM

Countrywide ban on sand mining

Sand mining on the Pennar river bed
Rain rain go away, our cities can't keep the water at bay!
Poor urban planning and reckless construction leave India incapable of welcoming the much-needed monsoon. Posted on 17 Jun, 2013 06:32 PM

Breaking news! The monsoon is here! It hit Kerala on June 1 and with that put an end to newspapers stories on drought in India highlighted by pictures of farmers standing on cracked earth and staring up at the sunny skies. However, very soon there will be Page-1 picture spreads of water-logged cities with traffic jams and harried people titled "The city is drowning"!

Water logging on city streets
Does your packaged drinking water contain minerals or pollutants?
Unsafe bottled water, the ‘stink report’ and the British rescuing a river are the highlights of this week’s news. Posted on 03 Jun, 2013 08:36 PM

Does your packaged drinking water contain minerals or pollutants?

Unsafe bottled water
Offer of grant progamme for journalists - The Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation Programme (HICAP)
The HICAP grant programme seeks to encourage journalists from the Hindu Kush Himalayan region to report on climate change across the five sub-basins
Posted on 29 May, 2013 09:20 AM


Organiser details

Call for participation- Digital Photo Contest on 'Water and Life', ICIMOD , June 5, 2013
A photo contest on the theme of ‘Water and Life' celebrates ICIMOD's 30th anniversary. It also coincides with the United Nation’s International Year of Water Cooperation 2013.
Posted on 12 May, 2013 11:56 AM

Is your building 'green' enough? - A rating system to measure efficiency of existing green buildings
Green rating program pilot to start, Kerala's projects to increase water quantity & quality and reassessment of Gundia hydel project are some of the headlines this week. Posted on 29 Apr, 2013 05:03 PM

Is your building green enough?

The Karamana River in Kerala – once revered but now shunned
Pollution in Kerala river, growing water scarcity worldwide and increased hydropower projects in the north east are the highlights of this week’s news. Posted on 23 Apr, 2013 08:26 AM

People warned to stay away from river
