PVC pipe specifications for borewell use in coastal Orissa - Need standard recommendation

We are residing in the coastal belt of Orissa, India. We are using Sch.80 PVC Pipe of ASTM-D. Sometimes we find that the Tubewell collapsed while washing or after washing. What could be the…

Correlation between water taste & TDS : Opinions invited!

I have been trying to corroborate water taste with TDS, but see two different water with same TDS taste different. If the individual components that make the TDS are the same in two water samples…

Boulder blocking borehole in Bhopal , MP : What are the options & costs of drilling ?

I purchased a land near Bhopal, M.P. It had a bore of 70 feet and was providing water. When we took possession of it the former owner took his pump and left the bore hole open. After some days…

Rapid reduction in borewell yield in Bangalore, Karnataka : Bore cleaning service or motor retrieval agency needed

Location: Kodihalli, Indira Nagar, Bangalore   (Borewell was done in July 2008)
Bore diameter: 6.5" with 2mm MS casing up to 80 ft and 10" PVC casing up to 55 ft
Water source: Got…

Strategy for improving urban drinking water supply : Issue 2 - 24/7 water supply is too expensive. Inputs needed

From David Foster, Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad

Posted 2 March 2009

The quality of service…

Solution Exchange-Consolidated reply: Pricing mechanism for water from local sources

A consolidated reply of experiences and examples shared by various members of the Solution Exchange Water Community

Outward water flow from borewell in Sarjapur, Bangalore, Karnataka : Need remedies

I have a borewell of 310 ft depth at my residence (Harlur Rd, Kudlu, Sarjapur, Bangalore). The borewell is one year old. My problem is the outward waterflow from my borewell to some other place.…

Bactozyme - Solution to sewage contamination in borewell in Tamil Nadu ?

We have a borewell and also a Cauvery water connection. We use the bore water for toilets and bathrooms. The Cauvery water is used only in kitchen & as drinking water ( we use an appropriate…

Low volumes of waste water in a eye hospital in Karnataka : Seeking cost effective treatment solutions

We are an eye hospital that generates very little bio medical waste. All our solid waste is handled by a common facility and is licenced by KSPCB. However,  the board now wants house keeping waste…

LEED's certification for a green building consultancy in Chennai, TN : Advice required

I am working with a company which is involved in Green Building consultancy in Chennai. As part of our work, we are involved in certification of buildings for LEED- Green Building category. One of…

Solution Exchange Consolidated reply: Survey on Household Water and Sanitation-Advice

A consolidated reply of experiences and examples shared by…

Remedies sought in reviving a borewell in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

We dug a borewell at our house in A.S.Rao Nagar for our newly constructed house in Hyderabad, depth upto 320ft with details as below:

@ 30ft Rock (30 ft casing pipe)
@ 290ft…

Need the legally permitted distance between borewells for agriculture in West Godavari, Andhra Pradesh

I have gone through various resolved queries on the forum on regulations / rules regarding the permitted distance between borewells. But exactly I want know, legally the distance between two bore…

Cleaning and maintaining a dug well in Nagpur, Maharashtra : Instructions for a layman

In my apartment building located at 18, Central Avenue, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India we have a "dug well" as the common water source. The well in question was dug 45 years back. The well water is…

Pump selection & maintenance of borewell in Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore, Karnataka

Location : Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore   (Borewell was done last week 19th)
Bore dia : 6" with metal casing upto 195 ft and PVC casing upto 80 ft
Rock at 190 ft, water at 210 ft, silt…

Ambiguities in TDS levels : Queries & concerns

From the discussions in the forums I have come to know that even very low TDS levels are not good for health. Hence I would like to know what is the minimum TDS level prescribed in the Standards.…

RWH & recycling water in a household in Pune, Maharashtra : Need consultants for advise

We are planning to build a house in Kondhwa, Pune in a 6300sq.feet plot. The plot is on a hill slope. There is no groundwater in the society(Cloud 9). It is very rocky and dry. We are keen to do…

Transferring RO reject water to RWH pit for groundwater recharge: Is it acceptable and need the applicable norms

Can we harvest RO reject water, in our rain water harvesting system?  RO reject is approximately 180KL per month and is currently being disposed off by discharging in to the sewage disposal system…

Need experiences and examples of conflicts over sand mining on river bed

From K. J. Joy, Suhas Paranjape and Shruti Vispute, Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India, Pune
Posted 20 February 2009

Solution Exchange Consolidated Reply: Rainwater Harvesting Structures in Hilly Terrain-Examples; Advice

A consolidated reply of experiences and examples shared by various members of the Solution Exchange Water…
