Bactozyme - Solution to sewage contamination in borewell in Tamil Nadu ?

We have a borewell and also a Cauvery water connection. We use the bore water for toilets and bathrooms. The Cauvery water is used only in kitchen & as drinking water ( we use an appropriate water filter) . Our main problem is that there is an adjacent bore that has been present for the past 20 years. This has been contaminated with toilet water and has a foul smell. The contamination is now spreading across to all the bores in the area.

As a remedial measure we pumped out all the water, took the sand out, added chlorine & alum to purify the source / remove the offensive smell. Our Neighbors suggested there is an organic chemical present in Australia & in Tamilnadu ( named Bactozyme – am not sure the spelling is correct ) which will clean the water , purify the water and it will effective for 10 years . Is there any such chemical present in the market? Please suggest on a course of further action.

Mohammed Ilyas
