Would like to work with you - Please guide me

I would like to work with you as I am interested in protecting the environment. I feel it is my calling.

Need information on wastewater treatment in India - Is aerobic or anaerobic treatment more popular?


I am an Indian student studying a bachelor degree in environmental studies at NHL University in the Netherlands. As part of my studies, I am doing a research about anaerobic wastewater…

Need an expert to survey septic tank seepage in Bangalore - Need help to empty single chamber tank & proof it for leakage


Please help me to get an expert to survey our septic tank serving 17 flats in an apartment building in Bangalore which is extensively seeping into the basement. We need help to empty…

Need last five years data on rainfall, max and min temperature relative humidity for districts in Andhra Pradesh

I need last five years data for Andhra pradesh districts on the following:

  • rainfall
  • maximum and minmum temperature
  • and relative humidity details

Please guide…

Need water management consultant to assist on cost and feasibility for community drinking water filtration systems

About valuenotes: Valuenotes is a research and consulting firm based out of Pune. We conduct research studies on various sectors and publish reports. Currently we are conducting research on…

Can I dig a borewell near a river bed, within 100 meters legally for agricultural purpose ?

Hi ,
Can you please let me know if it is legal to have a borewell nearby to a riverbed (less than 100 meters from riverbed). I have a riverbed adjacent to my farm in Maharashtra and some…

Should storm water drain be encased full length or only at joints for industrial project What is the correct method ?

Need to know whether the hume pipes for storm water drain need to be encased along the full length or encasing at joints is enough. This is for an industrial project. Please suggest the correct…

Need a list of watershed organisations for exposure visit for Himachal Pradesh government officials

(Question received by Sanjay Parmar over email)

Dear India Water Portal community members,

we wish to plan an exposure visit for officials working on watershed development in…

Will rainwater harvesting help the level of water in my borewell ?

I live in Chennai in a flat. The dimensions are 300 ft length and 80 ft width. We have the same amount of open space at the backside of our flat. Our bore is situated 2ft from that open…

Need help selecting a good brand of RO system - How can I test the quality of water from the RO system?

Dear Sir,

There are numbers of brands of RO systems available in the market today. I am quite confused about how to choose from the various brands of RO systems and how to test the quality…

Borewell water contaminated and is yellowish has bad odour - Need help - Attaching the water testing reports


The borewell in our apartment is contaminated. I wanted to understand if there is any means through which this water can be purified for atleast domestic use like washing, kitchen and…

Want to know if we can divert all the rainwater from the terrace into the well in our apartment ?

Hello Sir,

We are living in an apartment. We have a well in our compound. We are planning to dump all the water that gets collected on the terrance, when rains, into the well. Please let me…

Want to buy borehole inspection camera - Please help me find a cost efficient one


I am Ganapathi.S. I want to buy a borehole inspection camera. So please help me to find a better cost efficient camera.

Thank you.

Mail me at mailtoganapathi7@gmail.com

Want your team's interview on bio-diversity and CoP-11 for a Telugu daily - Would it be possible?

I am a reporter in a Telugu daily, Andhraprabha. We are giving a daily special page for bio diversity. I want your team's interview on CoP-11, and bio diversity in India. What in the role of…

I would like to contact you - I am a journalist

I am journalist. I would like to contact you

What is the scope for a start-up in water recycling? What will be the costs involved? Is there a sufficient market to cater to?

What is the scope of having a start up in water recycling? Can I get a rough idea that what is the cost of recycling and other details? Is it feasible? Is there a sufficient market to cater to?…

How to enhance the life of RO filter membrane & reuse the rejected water from the filter - TDS is 990 PPM

We consume a lot of RO water in our factory. Can the life of the membrane be enhanced? Can the rejected RO water be purified further? Our raw water TDS is 990 PPM. We are using the waste…

Need response on low-cost solutions for safe drinking water - Can the model be replicated in other places?

I am a healthcare professional and a independent blogger. I read this article on the wonderful work that you are doing in India posted at Knowledge@Wharton. The link for the article is…

Which is better - a submersible pump or a motor outside the borewell ? As maintenance costs of submersibles are high, please advise on alternatives ?


I have an fundamental question as to why its advantageous to use submersible rather than motor outside of the bore.

The problem we are facing is that every removal and…

Want to buy an old RO plant with chiller - Please get in touch if you know about some leads


I want to buy an old RO plant with chiller. Please contact me if interested.
