First source of water at 250-300 feet and no other source upto 1050 feet - Water yield is .5 inch - Should I install a motor ?

Dear Sir,
Recently I got a borewell drilled at my site in Parappana Agrahara (Hosur road), Bangalore, casing upto 40 feet. I have got the first source at around 250-300 feet, but after that…

Need data on temperature, precipitation and cloud cover of Himalayas from 1976-2006

I am a university student at Queen Mary University of London and need average temp, precipitation and cloud cover or possibly even average sunlight hours for an independent geographical study I am…

Could not drill beyond 45 feet as there were stones - Is there anything that can be done ?


While drilling a borewell at around 45 ft we could not do not more drilling becasue there were small stones and we had to stop drilling. I had wished to go upto 100 ft deep,  what do I…

How to conserve rainwater - Well in the house is dry during peak summer

Greetings to the entire Team.

You guys are doing a brilliant job. I have a two storey villa in Kerala. We get plenty of rain during the monsoons but that holds no help when the sweltering…

Want list of habitat survey 2003 for Jodhpur district in Rajasthan

I want the list of habitats survey 2003 for Rajasthan state for the district of Jodhpur

Would like to visit sewage treament plant

Would like to know if a visit to a sewage treatment plant can be arranged for about 5 engineers from the University of Basrah. The expenditure visit will be borne by us.


Need data on rainfall and groundwater situtation in Andhra Pradesh

Can you compile the rainfall situation in Andhra Pradesh and the crops and groundwater from all sources.

No water stored at the base of the borewell of 150 feet deep - Please advise

We had drilled a borewell in May 2012 and there was lot of water during the first six month but now as per the borewell technician there is no water inside. We had drilled upto 150 ft borewell, is…

What kind of monoblock water pump set is suited for a 50 feet borewell?

I am Rajesh from Punjab. I have a borewell of  5" and 50 feet deep in my field . Please guide me which monoblock water pump set (Pump size in mm, suc, & del , RPM , Imp dia in mm , power…

Silt and air has blocked the bore - Could you please suggest solutions to bring the pipe up

Dear Sir,
We have a 600 ft borewell for the last 10 years. We use a compressor motor. A few days ago the water stopped coming. When the plumber examined the bore water was found at around 10…

How to calculate CFM value for waste water treatment plant?

Tell me the air requirement (cfm value) calculation or formulas at BOD of 2000 mg/l for 240 kld waste water treatment plant.

Need abiyan details

Please send me abiyan details from


What is the kind of food should be used for biomass development?

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am in a site in Australia and here  I can't get cowdung for biomass development, i can only get seedstock for the same. May I know what type of food I have to give for…

Does IWP accept interns throughout the year & what is the minimum duration expected?


I read the details of the internship program at India Water Portal. What is the minimum duration for which a student can take up an internship? Are applications accepted throughout the…

How to calculate cost of borewell water per day?

We have water supply from two source 1]muncipal corporation , 2] through borewell . We can calculate water consumption per day & water cost per day from water bill . In case of borewell we can…

How to calculate water cost per day from a borewell?

The water supply is from two source i.e. 1]muncipal corporation , 2] through Borewell . We calculate the water consumption per day & water cost per day from water bill . In case of borewell we…

Water colour turned black on testing with PPM 375 - What kind of purifier should I buy ?

I had a demonstration from Kent at home. The PPM comes out to be 375 and their salesperson tested the water by putting electrodes in water and it changed color to black, according to him the water…

Treated water has strong odour - Can this be used to water plants - What is least expensive method for treating the water ?

We are a gated community of 30 houses in Hyderabad. We have a treatment plant where waste water (toilet and bathroom water) gets filtered through 5 chambers of gravel and the final…

Need contact of people work on rain water harvesting

We are a group of companies engaged in the business of cleaning and hygiene. We wish to start the business of rain harvesting. Can you help us in getting us close to the people who are doing good…

Want details to start mineral water plant

I want to start a mineral water plant in my town and I some details about this project
