Unsafe drinking water burdens poor
A study finds poor water quality behind high incidence of waterborne diseases among households in Ludhiana. The poor suffer the most from it.
Unsafe drinking water affects health. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
When wetlands refuse to wilt away
The revival of Narayanapuram wetland is a fitting example that good things can come out of government’s willingness to associate with independent organisations for the betterment of the society.
The desilted Narayanapuram wetland.
Going wild in a bustling city
Once ravaged by the mining industry, Asola Bhatti, the only wildlife sanctuary in Delhi is a refreshing sight now with dense flora and a thriving wildlife.
Nilgai (blue bull) is in abundance at the sanctuary.
A sip of seawater
Desalination is considered a solution to increasing water shortage in the world. A few functional desalination plants in Tamil Nadu, however, show a different picture.
A view of the Nemmeli desalination plant in Chennai. (Image courtesy: Business Today)
Water worried no more
The residents of Yavatmal come together to solve their drinking water problem. With crowdfunding to aid their effort, the result is inspiring.
Nilona dam, Yavatmal
Waging the war within
Sexism is as glaring in development sector as it is in any other professional field. Feminist activist Nandini Rao says both causes cannot be mutually exclusive for the development to be holistic.
Nandini Rao
In harm’s way: Pulicat lagoon
Keeping Pulicat lagoon healthy is paramount to the health of the Chennai’s ecosystem. What is happening instead is its slow degradation.
Pulicat lagoon is the second largest brackish water body in the country after Odisha's Chilika lake. (Image: Seetha Gopalakrishnan, IWP)
Election update: Its hills vs plains in Manipur
The land of gems will have a new government soon. We look at what leading political parties have to say about issues related to natural resources.
A Manipuri family. (Source: Coffee Table Book, Government of Manipur)
‘Our target is to reach 90 million farmers by 2020’
Indian Meteorological Department is focusing on agriculture-related advisories through network expansion.
A farm in Madhya Pradesh during monsoon. Source: Rajarshi Mitra/Wikimedia Commons