Renuka raises crucial questions
Nobody is clear about the need for a dam in Renuka valley. Despite this, the people of the valley are being displaced without adequate compensation.
The opening of the header tunnel for Renuka dam has already been constructed.
Urbanisation: Pushing farmers out of fields
Various push and pull factors of urbanisation are driving the farmers in peri-urban Hyderabad out of their fields.
Agriculture is slowly vanishing from peri-urban areas. (Source: SaciWATERS)
Floating national park calls for help
Loktak lake is more than just a waterbody and treating it as a reservoir doesn't do justice to this natural wonder. A video tells you why.
Loktak lake (Source: India Water Portal)
Managing willows in Wular lake
The flood in the Kashmir valley in 2015 was the result of the destruction of wetlands. A video tells us what we can do to save the valley.
Wular lake seen from Saderkote Park. (Source: Wikipedia)
Blind spots in WASH
Many gaps in the various WASH programmes need to be fixed to ensure the ultimate goal of sustainable access to water and sanitation for all by 2030.
Drinking water situation in India continues to be grim. (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Clearing the fog on water conservation
Fog water collection from low hanging clouds can bring respite to residents in the water-stressed regions around the world.
Fog harvesting structures.
Why is Shillong sweating?
The temperature in India’s biodiversity hotspot is on the rise which will have widespread implications in the future.
Shillong (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
The good clams of Ashtamudi
Thanks to the timely intervention of fishermen who adopted sustainable fishing practices, the clam population in the Ashtamudi was saved from total depletion.
(Source:Ken Hammond, Wikimedia)
Power at play in water business
While informal water market plays an important role in meeting the water needs of peri-urban Hyderabad, its power dynamics with the authorities determine its efficiency.
A jungle comes to the city
The redeveloped ecosystem of the Yamuna biodiversity park is what a polluted city like Delhi needs.
Black spotted butterfly at Yamuna biodiversity park. (Image: Prabhmeet Singh, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)
Saving soil health
The government’s nutrient-based subsidy has done more harm to the soil than good. Only sustainable agriculture can save the nutrient and water holding capacity of the soil.
Farmers thresh paddy during harvest at Sangrur, Punjab. (Source: Neil Palmer, CIAT, 2011, Wikimedia Commons)
Every day is a dry day in Kovaipudur
While Kovaipudur is finding it difficult to survive another season with no groundwater and an indifferent government, the solution is in harvesting every drop of rain it gets.
Rainwater harvesting is the way to go in water scarce regions. (Source: IWP Flickr)
Why save the vultures?
The country’s vulture population has declined by a whopping 99 percent in the last 15 years. A video tells us what it means to us and the environment.
Griffon Vulture (Source:Thermos,Wikipedia)
What we should know about National Water Commission
Mihir Shah Committee report suggests restructuring CWC and CGWB and setting up an apex body for water management. Experts, while welcoming the idea, raise some concerns.
Restructuring water governance. (Source: India Water Portal)
Mihir Shah Committee report: How to solve water crisis
As a solution to the water crisis, Mihir Shah Committee recommends constituting National Water Commission--a multidisciplinary organisation that will look into water management more holistically.
Water governance for future water security. (Source: IWP via Flickr photos)
Every drop that matters!
A short film provides insight into the water sector situation in the Marathwada region in Maharashtra.
Jivrekha river, Akoladev (Source:Dilasa)