India - Physical Map from the Survey of India (2002)
A definitive physical features map of the country from the Survey of India, showing elevation in metres of different regions and major rivers and land formations.
Land use map of India: National Institute of Hydrology
The National Institute of Hydrology has mapped the various land use regions of the country to indicate the percentage of land under forests, non-agricultural, plantation and grass lands
Toolkit on rainwater harvesting: Basics, overview and related technologies
Learn the basics of rainwater catchment systems, components, collection for domestic water supply and the socio-economic as well as health aspects
How to construct a rainwater tank: A comprehensive design and performance guide
The guide gives a detailed overview about the design aspects, different types of systems, costing, performance, water quality and regulatory issues of rainwater tanks
Map: Annual average rainfall of India
The annual rainfall map of India indicating the volume of rain different regions in the country receive
All things Ecosan: A comprehensive tookit on the subject
A compilation of information relating to Ecosan from various organizations working on sustainable sanitation
River basin and sub-basin map of India from the Central Ground Water Board
The Central Groundwater Board have come out with watershed and basin-wise maps for the entire country. Here's an introduction and the link to the resource
Map depicting the salinity affected areas in India
This map indicates the extent of salinity affected areas in the coastal states of the country
All you need to know about rain barrels: Stepwise preparation and construction guide
Using a rain barrel is the easiest way to begin rainwater harvesting. Rain barrel serves as a storage unit for rooftop rainwater. It can collect a substantial amount of rainwater.
Technical manual for Rainwater Harvesting
This is a technical manual for rainwater harvesting from the Rainwater Club, giving detailed information including required parts and approximate costs.
Satellite map images showing the impact of the 2004 Tsunami on Tamil Nadu
Satellite images from UNOSAT show the impact of the 2004 Tsunami at different locations on the Tamil Nadu coast
An overview of the water-related aspects of Sikkim
The presentation provides an overview of the water-related aspects of Sikkim from CGWB Eastern Region.
River systems of Karnataka: Overview of the state's river systems and irrigation patterns
The page has information on the tributaries, catchment area and drainage patterns of the many rivers in the state
A survey of school sanitation in Mysore district (2005)
The survey of school sanitation in seven blocks of Mysore district, was done by a group of NGOs comprising of Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement, MYRADA and Vikasana in 2005
Karnataka's water resources: Excerpts from the Karnataka State of the Environment Report
The chapter on water resources in the report deals with the environmental problems linked to water resources pertaining to availability, distribution, management, utilization and sustenance
Chemical parameters in Karnataka's groundwater: A report by the state government's Mines and Geology department
This report by the Department of Mines and Geology (Government of Karnataka) deals with excess chemical parameters in groundwater in the state