A survey of school sanitation in Mysore district (2005)

The survey was done using a closed-ended questionnaire which was administered to key stakeholders including teachers, school children and sometimes the SDMC (School Development and Management Committee) members. All government and aided schools were included in the survey. 

The survey analysis aimed at exploring the availability and usage of infrastructure in schools regarding water and sanitation. Further, it also tried to explore the personal hygiene practices prevalent among school children, most importantly the hand-washing habit. The analysis focuses on the following key issues -

  • Availability, usage and maintenance of sanitary latrines in schools;
  • Adequacy of sanitary latrine and urinal infrastructure in schools;
  • Hand-washing habits among school children;
  • Appropriateness of display of IEC messages within the school premises;
  • State of school compounds;
  • Disposal of waste water in schools per capita availability of safe water for drinking and other purposes in schools.

Click here for the format used in the survey
Click here for the analysis of the survey results

Post By: Rama Mani