Politicians for reform - Proceedings of the State Water Ministers’ workshop on rural water supply policy reforms in India - Cochin (Kerala) - (1999)
This report by the Water and Sanitation Program provides the details of the proceedings of the workshop on rural water supply policy reforms in India
Gravity based spring water supply systems in Andhra Pradesh: Lessons and steps towards the future
Current studies and activities indicate that indigenous knowledge is appropriate for local situations and that it is efficient and sustainable to springboard from such knowledge and practices.
Qualitative and quantitative water scarcity issues in Bihar - A presentation
Nature's abundance vanishes; the once amply resourced Bihar tackles the rapid depletion, the emerging water scarcity and quality.
Demonstration cum dissemination of the feasibility of KAF (Kanchan Arsenic Filter) in Assam - A workshop report - IGSSS and Welthungerhilfe (26th July 2011)
This document is a report of the workshop organised by IGSSS and Welthungerhilfe on the demonstration cum dissemination of the feasibility of Kanchan Arsenic Filter (KAF) in Assam.
Mining India: Sustainably for growth – A report by Ernst & Young and ASSOCHAM
This report by Ernst & Young and ASSOCHAM on “Mining India: Sustainably for growth” gives insights into the mining sector in India.
A river runs through us: An award-winning film on the threats faced by our rivers
A River Runs Through Us' by Carla Pataky offers hope and optimism to the many people struggling to save their rivers from being consumed by dams and other mega-projects.
Creation of a village spring atlas for the conservation of Himalayan springs and adapting to climate change
An article by Dr.Sandeep Tambe, Special Secretary-RM&DD, Sikkim on creation of a village spring atlas for the conservation of Himalayan springs.
Living rivers, dying rivers: Rivers in North East India
The fourth lecture in the ten-part series titled "Living Rivers, Dying Rivers" was delivered by Dr. Chandan Mahanta, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati on 'Rivers in North-East India'.
The majestic Brahmaputra river (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Status of water quality in India – reports by Central Pollution Control Board for 2007, 2008 and 2009
The reports help in evaluating the nature and extent of pollution control required, effectiveness of exisiting measures, in drawing water quality trends and prioritising pollution control efforts
Workshop on rainwater harvesting in Meerut’ - Janhit Foundation's e-newsletter of March 2011
The Janhit Foundation's newsletter for October 2011 focuses on the following:
Rainwater Harvesting Users and Trainers' Manual by the KUIDFC
A manual for rainwater harvesting users’ by the Government of Karnataka.
Interstate river water disputes (IRWD) act (1956) and its legal provisions
N Sasidhar writes about the interstate river water disputes act and its legal provisions.
Water quality hot-spots in rivers of India – A report by Central Water Commission
This report by the Central Water Commission (CWC) attempts to provide the water quality scenario of our rivers.