Walking along the Kaveri- an account of one man's walk from the coast to the source of the Kaveri

Guest post by: Alastair Humphreys

Article and media courtesy: Alastair Humphreys

'I had never heard of the Kaveri River until I decided to walk across India..' so begins Humphreys' evocative account of walking along the Kaveri from the coast to its source, and beyond it to the Arabian Sea.

Walking across India: an introduction from Alastair Humphreys on Vimeo.

In his words, 'The river Kaveri is one of the great holy rivers of India, revered by pilgrims for centuries. From its source amongst the coffee and cardamom plantations in the cool hills of the Western Ghats, the river flows 500 miles across southern India towards the hot plains of Tamil Nadu and the Bay of Bengal.

I decided to walk from one coast of India to the other, following the river Kaveri from the coast all the way up to its source, then dropping down through the mountains to the Arabian Sea.

I travelled light, carrying only a small pack, sleeping under the stars and cooking on campfires, or staying in small villages. It was a physical challenge, a cultural education, and an old-fashioned adventure.'

Read the rest of the article here.

View the rest of his photos here.

Post By: chicu