Tehri dam nears danger mark
News this week - Tehri dam nears danger mark, Supreme Court stops dams in Uttarakhand and Maharashtra allows coal mining near rivers
Tehri dam in lean season
Are Olive Ridley turtles nearing extinction in Orissa?
Sea turtles have survived for 66 million years but are dying more incidental deaths now thanks to mechanized fishing. Community-based conservation programmes are the answer to preserving the species.
Olive Ridley sea turtles; Source: The Hindu
Film: Konkanchi Mega Vaat (Mega 'Vaat' in the Konkan)
The proposed power projects in the Konkan region of Maharashtra have gravely affected people's livelihoods and their drinking water. Why aren't these plants being shut down?
Alphonso mango trees in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra
Amritsar - the pond of nectar
Faith, service and legends - the holy city is full of tales around water. Take a dip!
The holy sarovar around the Golden Temple
Angioplasty for groundwater or a heart attack waiting to happen?
The Maharashtra Govt plans to invest Rs. 800 crore to extend the 'Shirpur Model' of groundwater recharge across the state. Is it recharge or withdrawal that this model promotes?
Shirpur, Maharashtra of the 'Shirpur Model' fame
Power hub becomes pollution hub
Korba, Chhattisgarh ranks 5th in the ‘critically polluted area’ category according to the Central Pollution Control Board. Why aren't thermal power companies following pollution control mandates?
CSEB power plant in Korba
Countrywide ban on sand mining
News this week - National Green Tribunal bans sand mining, Ukai dam authorities save Surat from floods and the Central Government decides to release water data.
Sand mining on the Pennar river bed
Open Confusion: Charba and Coca Cola
The Uttarakhand State Government leased land to Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages but the villagers of Charba were completely in the dark about this. Why is there a lack of transparency?
Radha Behen addresses the villagers
Turtle relocation program or turtle poaching plan?
The turtle hatchery at Sarnath was created to reintroduce scavenger turtles into the Ganga to rid it of corpses. However, the seemingly smart program is far from successful. What happens next?
Juvenile turtles at the Sarnath Sanctuary
Sowing the seeds of change
Self-sufficient farming gives women in rural Alipurduar in West Bengal food, health and confidence!
Garden irrigated by a single pot of water
No impact assessment study done for Dibang hydropower project
The Idu Mishmi community in Arunachal Pradesh are strongly against the project. Public hearing finally held after being cancelled 14 times.
Public hearing venue at New Anaya
Yamuna’s Delhi
Delhi was once well-planned along the course of the river Yamuna but it isn't so any more. It can reach a similar state with thoughtful and better urban planning, says Anupam Mishra.
Yamuna; Source: www.pilgrimageindia.net
IAS officer suspended for targeting illegal sand mining
News roundup - IAS officer suspended in UP, groundwater contaminated by gold mines and the number of households with improved sanitation rises.
Sand mining near the Yamuna river
Making leaders out of farmers
Farmers meet, talk, exchange ideas, watch films and more at the Pani Panchayat in Maharashtra, a voluntary movement to connect farmers and build knowledge and resource groups.
Farmers sharing priceless info Source: Hamsa Iyer
Touched by very little water
Anupam Mishra talks about how the desert societies of Rajasthan have managed their scarce water resources for over 1000 years.
Kunds and tankas have been used to collect water
Fall in love with Tso Moriri
A monastery, a village, rare bird species and a high altitude lake in Ladakh - this is the beautiful setting of Tso Moriri.
Tso Moriri during spring time
Forest panel rejects highly opposed dam projects in the Northeast
Forest panel rejects dams in the Northeast, government releases new poverty statistics and citizens' refuse the '24x7' water supply scheme are the highlights of this week's news.
The idyllic Barak river (source: Wikimedia)
Post-monsoon celebrations
This photo essay captures the range of activities post-monsoon in rural areas of Maharashtra including the celebration of the Vatapoornima festival.
Ready to plough his fields
Beware of genetically modified crops!
The passing of the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India bill will hasten the arrival of genetically modified (GM) crops in India. Are we aware of all the facts around it?
Protest against BRAI bill Source: Greenpeace
Water for sale - to the highest bidder!
Water is a natural resource that should be 'free' for all or at least easily accessible but why is India allowing more and more companies to privatise it?
Rising cost of water Source: K.N. Balraj